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OH-Portal: Questions & Answer Sessions

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All participants that attended the "CLARIN Hands-on Tutorial on Transcribing Interview Data" webinar , as well as all other interested candidates, who watched the recording of the webinar, are invited to join one of the four weekly Q&A sessions entitled OH-Portal:Questions & Answers Sessions. During the Q&A the lecturers will try to answer questions and help solve problems encountered by the partecipants while using the presented approaches and tools with their own data.

The Q&A sessions are organized as a follow-up to the successful SSHOC webinar organized by CLARIN on 3 March 2020. In this webinar, Henk van den Heuvel (Radboud University Nijmegen) and Christoph Draxler (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich) discussed the challenges associated with transcribing spoken data, and demonstrated the workflow of machine-assisted interview transcription process.

The Q&A session will be held as video conference on the following dates

28 April at 16:00 CEST
5 May at 16:00 CEST
12 May  at 16:00 CEST
19 May at 16:00 CEST

Video conference details

Audience Log-in URL:

Dial-in Number: 716-273-1030

PIN: 127 3491#

No prior registration is required but for a more efficient session, please send your questions, description of your problems and samples of your data to draxler [at] (draxler[at]phonetik[dot]uni-muenchen[dot]de) at least 2 days in advance.

Additional information: