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Norway full member of CLARIN ERIC

Submitted by Sebastian Drude on

We are happy to announce that Norway joined the CLARIN on 1 Oct 2015, bringing the total number of full members up to fifteen. “We have already been an active observer in the ERIC for the past two years” says Prof. Koenraad De Smedt at the University of Bergen, who leads the Norwegian CLARINO consortium.  He adds: "Norway is the first country joining the ERIC which is not an EU member country, so the red tape took some time."

The CLARINO project has been funded since 2012 by the Research Council of Norway and by the consortium, which groups the major universities and has a partnership with the National Library of Norway. "The participation of Norway is essential for securing for Norwegian and Sámi, but in fact we support more than 40 languages.” says De Smedt, who is eager to continue the work in CLARIN: “We have at least one repository which is almost ready for certification as a B-center, we have relevant language services, and we already have one K-center”.

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