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NEW Video recordings added: Wordnet as Lexicographical Resource (WNLEX) Euralex2018 pre-conference workshop, Ljubljana 2018

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The video recordings from the workshop WordNet as Lexicographical Resource (wnlex) have been uploaded to CLARIN page.

This Euralex2018 pre-conference workshop took place on 16 July 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It was organized by David Lindemann (University of Hildesheim), John McCrae (National University of Ireland, Galway/Gaillimh), and Darja Fišer (University of Ljubljana), and co-organized by CLARIN ERIC and the ELEXIS project.


Topics of the workshop inlcuded:

  • Data models for wordnet-like concept-based resources

  • Wordnet item types as Lexicography item types: issues 

  • Translation equivalence: Cross-language linking of items

  • Linking monolingual resources of different types: Examples

  • Manual post-editing of WordNet-based dictionary drafts


The speakers:


Linking Lexicographic Resources: The Opportunities and Challenges Offered by the Semantic Web  |  Fahad Khan, Andrea Bellandi



WNLEX workshop 2018 videolectures