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Lund University Humanities Lab now an accredited CLARIN Knowledge Centre

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

CLARIN is proud to announce that Lund University Humanities Lab is now an accredited CLARIN Knowledge Centre.

Lund University Humanities Lab is an interdisciplinary research and training facility for researchers, teachers, and students across the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology. Research in the Lab addresses questions of language, cognition, communication, and culture, and many projects are interdisciplinary and conducted in collaboration with the social sciences, medicine, the natural sciences, engineering, and e-Science.

As a K-Centre the focus of Lund University Humanities Lab lies in sensor-based technology (e.g., EEG, eye-tracking, articulography, motion capture, 3D-scanning, virtual reality), AV-data, expertise on multimodal data analysis and development of linguistic tools such as semantic tagging, calculations of lexical competition scores and text analysis for information extraction.

The Motion capture studio at Lund University Humanities Lab

Visit the Lund University Humanities Lab website


Apply to be recognized as a K-Centre 

Have you considered to have your centre recognized as a CLARIN K-Centre, either on your own or together with other partners (possibly in other countries)? You can do so with not too much effort, and you can do so even if you are not active in CLARIN yet, and even if you are not in a CLARIN member country. For more information, have a look at the page on knowledge centres, in particular the instructions for applicants. It is also possible for an institution to join an existing distributed K-Centre as one more partner if you have expertise in the same area.