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Italy member of CLARIN ERIC

Submitted by Sebastian Drude on

We are happy to announce that Italy has joined CLARIN on 1 October 2015, becoming its 16th full member.

“We were already an active participant in CLARIN during its preparatory phase, and could not wait to see Italy again on board of CLARIN ERIC – finally this day has come” says Dr. Monica Monachini at the National Research Council’s Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “A. Zampolli”, who leads the Italian CLARIN consortium. “Already now we are collaborating with CLARIN, for instance in the Parthenos project.”, she adds.

The Italian CLARIN consortium is still being formed, and will include several of the major universities and research institutes of the country such as departments and institutions of language and literary studies, philology and computer science, as well as groups mostly involved in digital humanities, documentation and digitalization and language technologies for the Humanities. "We can contribute with a wealth of resources, not only of Italian, but also for English and, in particular, for classical languages, Greek, Latin, Classical Arabic and Hebrew. We will contribute textual archives, corpora, lexicons for historical languages as well as ontologies and have been developing advanced tools for processing language data tools for textual analysis, pipelines for language annotation and knowledge extraction, NER, tools for assisted translation, tools for linguistic profiling of and readability assessment of texts that will be even more powerful once integrated into the CLARIN infrastructure”, says Monica Monachini.