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Hackathon on COVID-19 related disinformation: Registration is open

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In the period between 21 September and 15 October 2020 CLARIN will organize a virtual hackathon on COVID-19 related disinformation.

The event will be divided into 3 sessions:

  • An Introductory meeting where the different datasets will be introduced by the curators, and will allow the participants to form teams based on their interests.
  • The second meeting will be held during CLARIN Annual Conference at the Bazaar session, and it will grant all teams the possibility to exchange experiences, to help each other out with any encountered problems, and to receive feedback from conference attendants.
  • The hackathon will conclude on 15th October with another online session where all teams will present their results. 

Check the event page for further information and registration. If you would like to know more about initiatives for data collection and infrastructural support related to COVID-19, you can visit our CLARIN & COVID-19 page.