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Digital Humanities Benelux Conference 2017

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The fourth DHBenelux Conference took place at the Utrecht University, the Netherlands, from Monday 3 to Wednesday 5 July 2017. We are delighted to see so much involvement of the CLARIN community in the conference proceedings, as well as our colleagues from CLARIAH, DARIAH-EU & PARTHENOS:

Contributions to DHBenelux2017 from CLARIN, CLARIAH, DARIAH-EU & PARTHENOS

We will follow up after the conference, but in the meantime talk to us - we will be located in the Atrium and at the Bazaar. Make sure you tweet any comments and questions related to CLARIN at DHBenelux 2017 using #DHBenelux. Below you will find a few useful links to find out more:

Joint PARTHENOS - CLARIN - DARIAH Workshop on Applying the FAIR Principles / CLARIN presentation (Franciska de Jong and Dieter Van Uytvanck)

Digital Humanities Course Registry

Storify feed of Twitter activity at the DHBenelux

Photographs from the event

Digital Humanities Benelux Conference 2017 website

The full program of the DHBenelux-2017 Conference