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Congratulations to two brand new B centres!

Submitted by Sebastian Drude on

The Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands and the TalkBank at the Carnegie Mellon University have now been officially recognized as CLARIN B centres.

As all other 14 CLARIN B centres before them, both have gone through a thorough procedure with an external assessment by the Data Seal of Approval and an internal assessment by CLARIN's assessment committee.

While the Huygens ING adds a second institute to the well established commitment of the KNAW (Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences) with CLARIN, the CMU-TalkBank is the first case of an institute not only outside the current CLARIN member countries, but even outside Europe -- this is the first CLARIN B centre in the US!  A special Memorandum of Understanding made this possible.

CLARIN ERIC congratulates the two centres and thanks all persons involved in particular those responsible at the new centres and the members of the assessment committees.

More centres are in the pipeline for getting the status of CLARIN B centre, and we also will have soon the first CLARIN Knowledge Centres (centres of type L or K).