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Congratulations to our new CLARIN K-Centre PolLinguaTec!

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

We are happy to announce that  "PolLinguaTec - CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Polish Language Technology"  has been officially recognized as a CLARIN K-Centre.

PolLinguaTec - the CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Polish Language Technology is part of the CLARIN-PL Language Technology Centre (LTC) at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The K-Centre offers  technical support, training and advice in the field of natural language processing technology.

CLARIN-PL Language Technology Centre (LTC) is an institution ensuring access to knowledge useful during the application of tools and systems for natural language analysis, especially Polish, within Digital Humanities and Social Sciences. LTC has at its disposal the documentation (instructions, guidelines, tutorials) and experienced employees able to solve problems connected with the use of tools, resources and systems. LTC offers also a number of research applications built for the purposes of specific types of research tasks and in close cooperation with researchers from the areas of H&SS. LTC has been one of the leading Polish centres building technologies of natural language processing for many years now.

The activities of the K-Centre form an integral part of the activities of the team that coordinates the activities of the CLARIN-PL consortium. The team has extensive experience in communication with users and have a wide knowledge on the methods of natural language analysis with a special emphasis put on the analysis of Polish language. Support is offered for all types of applications of Language Technology for Polish, both mono and multilingual ones.

Visit the website of PolLinguaTec

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Apply to be recognized as a K-Centre 

Have you considered to have your centre recognized as a CLARIN K-Centre, either on your own or together with other partners (possibly in other countries)? You can do so with not too much effort, and you can do so even if you are not active in CLARIN yet, and even if you are not in a CLARIN member country. For more information, have a look at the page on knowledge centres, in particular the instructions for applicants. It is also possible for an institution to join an existing distributed K-Centre as one more partner if you have expertise in the same area.