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Congratulations to DANSK - the fifth CLARIN Knowledge Centre

Submitted by Sebastian Drude on

We are happy to announce that the following three institutions have been jointly officially recognized as the Danish CLARIN K-Centre "DANSK - DANish helpdeSK":

Together these institutions cover most of the available competence on the Danish language and Language Resources and Technology for the Danish language.

These partners already collaborate in the Danish CLARIN-DK consortium and have in common that they aim to foster awareness and use of technology in research within the humanities. In various ways, the participants are offering support and assistance services to a broad range of users, but since their focus is on different technical areas, their profiles are complementary with respect to analyzing all aspects of the Danish language.

This is the fifth CLARIN Knowledge Centre; the number of K-Centres is growing quickly!

Together the three institutions that joined forces to form DANSK, the DANish helpdeSK, offer or will offer services of at least the following kind:

  • Virtual reactive help-desk service via an e-mail contact to the coordinating CST partner that reacts within 24 hours and if need be distributes the questions to the other two partners.
  • Organization of teaching events for researchers, students, projects or interest groups.


A dedicated website for the DANSK K-Centre will be set up soon; for the time being one can use the website of the coordinating institution, Center for Language Technology (CST).

CLARIN congratulates the Danish K Centre "DANSK" with their recognition.


More information on Knowledge Centres, one of the building bricks of the CLARIN Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure, can be found here:

On Knowledge Centres;

Overview of existing Knowledge Centres.