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Collaboration Agreement between CLARIN ERIC and ELRA

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CLARIN ERIC and the European Language Resource Association (ELRA) have recently entered a Collaboration Agreement.

CLARIN and ELRA share areas of interest and have been developing similar activities related to the promotion and dissemination of Language Resources (LR) and Language and Speech Technologies. Strengthening the outreach  to the different communities of LR users in academia and industry, and building relationships between them, are among the major benefits expected from this collaboration, which also cover :

  • Business development

  • Education and training

  • Lobbying activities

  • Joint project proposals

More about ELRA can be found on their website:


ELRA logo


CLARIN 2018 - collaboration agreement with ELRA   

CLARIN 2018 - collaboration agreement with ELRA

CLARIN 2018 - collaboration agreement with ELRA

Photographs taken at the CLARIN Annual Conference 2018 in Pisa, Italy.

L-R: Henk van den Heuvel, President of ELRA’s board | Franciska de Jong, CLARIN ERIC Executive director | Khalid Choukri, CEO of ELDA, Secretary General of ELRA