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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 

CLARIN2020: Update!

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

The Call for Papers for the CLARIN Annual Conference 2020 closed on 28 April 2020, and the review process has been completed. All authors of submitted abstracts have been notified about the outcome of the review process.

The registration for attendance of this virtual edition of CLARIN’s annual event will open after 15 August 2020!

Calls for interest in additional programme elements, i.e. CLARIN Bazaar, CLARIN Student Session, CLARIN Consulting Session & CLARIN in the Classroom, are already open. 

More updates regarding the programme and the format of the event will follow via the CLARIN news section, CLARIN Newsflash and Twitter (#CLARIN2020).

The latest information can always be found on the CLARIN2020 conference page.