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CLARIN-LV conference raises awareness for CLARIN

Submitted by Inguna Skadiņa on

On 5 March 2020, CLARIN-LV organized the conference "Digital Latvian Language Resources and Tools in Common Research Infrastructure". 

The main goal of the conference was to raise awareness about CLARIN among Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) researchers in Latvia and to share information between stakeholders about recent achievements on language resources and tools. After the presentation from the Ministry of Education and Sciences on the role of language technologies in Digital Humanities, the conference continued with the keynote of Krister Lindén (FIN-CLARIN) sharing experience and achievements of FIN-CLARIN and introducing popular use cases. Kadri Vider (Center of Estonian Language Resourced, CELR) continued series of international presentations and gave an introduction on CELR – its history, funding and services. This section ended with the introduction of the ELG project.  A wide range of research organizations (National LibraryLatvian Language AgencyRīgas Stradiņš University, Livonian Institute, Rēzekne Academy of Technologies and Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science) presented their achievements and use cases of digital language resources. The conferences ended with the opening of the CLARIN-LV repository

This was the first conference since Latvia joined CLARIN in 2016. The conference attracted more than 40 participants from different universities and research centres.

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