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CLARIN Knowledge Centres CKCMC and K-Dutch officially recognised as CLARIN K-Centres

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CLARIN ERIC is proud to announce that CLARIN Knowledge Centres CKCMC and  K-Dutch are officially recognized as CLARIN K-Centres.

The CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media (CKCMC) offers expertise on language resources and technologies for Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media. Its basic activities are to (1) give researchers, students, and other interested parties information about the available resources, technologies, and community activities, (2) support interested parties in producing, modifying or publishing relevant resources and technologies and (3) organize training activities.

Visit the CKCMC K-Centre

K-Dutch is the place for researchers who want to find out more about the Dutch language: linguistic properties, language advice, available tools and resources, etymology, dialects and many other things. K-Dutch is hosted by the Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (Dutch Language Institute), which is also a CLARIN-B centre and host of many tools, lexica and corpora for Dutch, which are, in general, freely available.

More information about the K-Dutch K0-Centre


Becoming a K-Centre 

Have you considered to have your centre recognized as a CLARIN K-centre, either on your own or together with other partners (possibly in other countries)? You can do so with not too much effort, and you can do so even if you are not active in CLARIN yet, and even if you are not in a CLARIN member country. For more information about Knowledge centres and how to establish one, please have a look at the page on knowledge centres. It is also possible for an institution to join an existing distributed K-centre as one more partner if you have expertise in the same area.