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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 

CLARIN at the International Conference Language Technology for All (LT4All)

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CLARIN is proud to have supported the LT4All  event held within the framework of the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, in the prestigious venue of UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.

The discussions have celebrated the richness of the variety of languages in the world, highlighted the successful stories, and provided a possibility to discuss the challenges that the communities face on smaller and larger scales. 

At the poster session where CLARIN was represented, we engaged in discussions about how the Research Infrastructure approach could provide technical solutions as well as support to the researchers both in terms of conducting FAIR research, and in sharing the knowledge that has been gathered so far. 

To have an idea of the event you can check here for some additional pictures, you can rewatch the conference oral sessions, and follow the discussion on Twitter #LT4All.