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CLARIN in five continents

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

It does not happen too often that we report CLARIN activities from very distant locations, but this Summer it is the case. Between May and July this year CLARIN was present at major events on five continents, which shows how far CLARIN is reaching out and leaving its mark on the global map of language resources and technology in 2018. Within Europe the CLARIN community has been busy as always (and you can find the traces on the event pages of the various consortia). Australia hosted this year’s edition of ACL, which attracted a number of contributions from CLARIN-ers. Below you can read more about the big events in Japan (LREC2018), Mexico (DH2018) and South Africa (ICL20).

LREC 2018 | 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Miyazaki, Japan,  7-12 May 2018

Since the first LREC was held in Granada in 1998, LREC has become the major event on Language Resources and Evaluation for Language Technologies. This year CLARIN consortium members contributed to the main program through 26 oral and poster presentations on Wednesday 9 May, Thursday 10 May and Friday 11 May. One of the highlights of the CLARIN participation was the launch of the CLARIN Resource Families. The CLARIN community also organised three workshops as part of the conference:

Throughout  the conference CLARIN had a booth where conference participants could drop by with any questions, discussions and networking initiatives.

Read more about LREC2018

Launch of the CLARIN Resource Families at LREC 2018 (Miyazaki, Japan, 9 May 2018). L-R:  Darja Fišer (CLARIN Director of User Involvement), Tomaž Erjavec (CLARIN National Coordinator Slovenia),  Franciska de Jong (CLARIN Executive Director).

DH2018 | Digital Humanities 2018
Mexico City, Mexico, 26-29 June 2018

DH2018 is the global conference for the Digital Humanities. In collaboration with DARIAH and PARTHENOS, CLARIN was running a booth where participants could find out more about what these three European initiatives do to support the Digital Humanities. The 2018 Digital Humanities Conference was organized by The Association of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), El Colegio de México, La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and in collaboration with La Red de Humanidades Digitales.

Read more about CLARIN participation day-by-day: Tuesday 26 June, Wednesday 27 June, Thursday 28 June and Friday 29 June.

DH2019 will be held in Utrecht (The Netherlands), home town of CLARIN .

Read more about DH2018


Image: DH2018 CLARIN / DARIAH / PARTHENOS booth at DH2018

ICL20 | The 20th International Congress of Linguists
Cape Town, South Africa, 2-6 July 2018

CLARIN was present at the International Congress of Linguistics in CapeTown, through the participation by the Dutch Language Institute (Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal) which is  part of CLARIN DLU/Flanders, the CLARIN consortium in Flanders (Belgium) and founding member of CLARIN ERIC. The ICL Congress is held every five years, and is meant to showcase current developments in linguistics. ICL runs over five days, has a plenary panel on linguistics in South Africa, nine plenary speakers covering a range of major sub-fields, ten paper sessions each with its own focus speaker, up to 30 workshops, and several poster sessions. The Congress is hosted by CIPL (Comité International Permanent des Linguistes), the LSSA (Linguistics Society of Southern Africa) and UCT (the University of Cape Town).

Read more about ICL20