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CLARIN ERIC Statement on Ukraine

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CLARIN condemns the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. CLARIN stands in solidarity with Ukraine and its people. 

The elementary values of freedom, democracy and self-determination have been attacked, which also affect the fundamental principles underpinning scientific research: cultural expression, scientific freedom and academic cooperation. 

CLARIN would like to express its solidarity with everyone affected by the horror of war and with all scholars and scientists in the region, including Russian and Belarusian scientists who are protesting and speaking out against the invasion of Ukraine. 

CLARIN ERIC aligns with the statements issued by ERIC Forum and by the European Commission. In solidarity with the cause, CLARIN ERIC has decided to suspend the Belarusian CLARIN K-centre and C-centre. While this centre will no longer be listed or recognised as a CLARIN centre, the metadata will remain accessible for researchers via the Virtual Language Observatory, in order to underline the ideal of universal access to all language resources for all communities.

A dedicated page on the CLARIN website collects some initiatives supporting the Ukrainian research community from the CLARIN network and beyond.