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CLARIN at DH2018: Thursday 28 June

Submitted by Leon Wessels on


DH2018 is the global conference for the Digital Humanities. This year, it takes place in Mexico City from 26 to 29 June. In collaboration with DARIAH and PARTHENOS, CLARIN is running a booth where you can find out more about what these three European initiatives do to support the Digital Humanities.


Expert sessions

Every day you can talk to a different expert at the booth. On Thursday the following four experts will be present: 

  • Go Sugimoto is a data analyst at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and a lecturer at the University of Vienna. He describes himself as a researcher without boundaries of domains and countries, who does everything with ICT for cultural heritage, art and humanities. Among others, he worked on the development of CLARIN's Virtual Language Observatory ( ) and Component MetaData Infrastructure ( ).

Go Sugimoto will be present during the first coffee break (10:30-11:00). 

  • Roeland Ordelman is research coordinator at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision and technical coordinator of the CLARIAH NL MediaSuite. 
  • Marijn Koolen is a researcher and developer at the KNAW Humanities Cluster in the Netherlands. He was previously involved with the CLARIAH NL Media Studies workpackage.
  • Carlos Martinez-Ortiz is a research engineer at the Netherlands eScience Center. He is responsible for the integration of the Linked Open Data into the CLARIAH MediaSuite.

Roeland Ordelman, Marijn Koolen and Carlos Martinez-Ortiz will be present during the second coffee break (15:30-16:00). Among others, they will demonstrate the CLARIAH NL MediaSuite. 


CLARIN-related papers

09:00 - 10:30  

LP-07: Research Infrastructures


Challenges in Enabling Mixed Media Scholarly Research with Multi-media Data in a Sustainable Infrastructure


Roeland Ordelman, Carlos Martínez Ortíz, Liliana Melgar Estrada, Marijn Koolen, Jaap Blom, Willem Melder, Jasmijn Van Gorp, Victor De Boer, Themistoklis Karavellas, Lora Aroyo, Thomas Poell, Norah Karrouche, Eva Baaren, Johannes Wassenaar, Julia Noordegraaf, Oana Inel


Imperio B/C

09:00 - 10:30   LP-07: Research Infrastructures  

Data Scopes: towards Transparent Data Research in Digital Humanities


Rik Hoekstra, Marijn Koolen, Marijke van Faassen

  Imperio B/C
11:00 - 12:30   -09: Bridging Divides, Colonial Archives   Adapting a Spelling Normalization Tool Designed for English to 17th Century Dutch   Ivan Kisjes, Tessa Wijckmans   Colonia
14:00 - 15:30   SP-12: Maps, Networks, Archives  

Modeling Linked Cultural Events: Design and Application

  Kaspar Beelen, Ivan Kisjes, Julia Noordegraaf, Harm Nijboer, Thunnis van Oort, Claartje Rasterhoff   Constitución A/B