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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 

CLARIN at DH2018: Friday 29 June

Submitted by Leon Wessels on


DH2018 is the global conference for the Digital Humanities. This year, it takes place in Mexico City from 26 to 29 June. In collaboration with DARIAH and PARTHENOS, CLARIN is running a booth where you can find out more about what these three European initiatives do to support the Digital Humanities.


Expert sessions

Every day you can talk to a different expert at the booth. On Friday the following four experts will be present: 

Franciska de Jong will be present during the first coffee break (10:30-11:00). 

  • Tom Gheldof is DARIAH-BE coordinator at KU Leuven. He is specialized in topics such as historical databases, linked open data and geospatial humanities.

Tom Gheldof will be present during the second coffee break (15:30-16:00).


CLARIN-related papers

14:00 - 15:30  

-19: Approaches to Corpora


Words that Have Made History, or Modeling the Dynamics of Linguistic Changes


Maciej Eder

