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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 


Submitted by Linda Stokman on

This season CLARIN Ambassadors are unable to meet their fellow researchers, lecturers and students in person in order to raise awareness about and encourage participation in CLARIN . But very soon we will all be able to join them in the brand new virtual CLARIN Café. The CLARIN Café will be an informal and interactive space where Francesca Frontini (Université Paul-Valéry in Montpellier), Maciej Maryl (Polish Academy of Sciences), and Toine Pieters (Utrecht University) will be holding discussions with other experts in the CLARIN community on the topics that we are all thinking about these days, such as:

  • how can CLARIN best support researchers who are collecting Covid-19 related datasets
  • how to conduct fruitful virtual academic conferences and workshops for CLARIN communities
  • how to use CLARIN resources and tools in (virtual) teaching, and
  • how beginners from various SSH disciplines with no previous DH experience can incorporate CLARIN resources and tools into their research projects.

The monthly CLARIN Café will be launched in May. Details will be published in the CLARIN news section, through the other communication channels and CLARIN Café page.  If you have a topic you’d like to see discussed in one of the upcoming CLARIN Cafés, let us know at ambassadors [at] (ambassadors[at]clarin[dot]eu)