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Call for Papers: International CLaDA-BG Conference 2024

Submitted by Karina Berger on

The third edition of the CLaDA-BG Conference will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 26-28 June, 2024.

CLaDA-BG is the Bulgarian national research infrastructure for resources and technologies for linguistic, cultural and historical heritage, integrated within CLARIN and DARIAH. Its mission is to provide access to the necessary resources and technologies that support research in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Modelling and linking of various types of knowledge and its contexts is crucial for successful research in the interdisciplinary field of resources and technologies related to language, culture and history.

The conference aims to bring together developers, linguists, digital humanitarians, scholars, and all parties interested in knowledge modelling and linking data for research. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Problems in SSH – research methods, technological support
  • Language technologies for sentiment analysis, semantic technologies, trust-worthiness of knowledge graphs, ethical challenges in digital SSH
  • Knowledge Modelling and Elicitation for digital SSH
  • Specific Language Resources and Technologies for historical texts, parliamentary records, speech and multimodal corpora, social media data
  • The role of digital libraries, archives and museums in digital SS&H research
  • Language Interface to Knowledge Graphs in SSH
  • Knowledge-modelled and linked applications in SSH
  • Large Language Models in DH
  • Best practices and new trends in Knowledge Modelling and Linking for language, culture and history.

CLARIN is proud to be well represented among the invited speakers: Darja Fišer (CLARIN ), Maciej Piasecki (CLARIN-PL, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland), Pia Sommerauer (CLTL, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Know What You Are Modelling: Why We Need Interdisciplinary Perspectives to Understand Large Language Models) and Tanja Wissik (ACDH-CH, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria).

Two types of submissions are welcomed: abstracts and full papers.

Submission deadline: 28 April 2024

More information can be found on the conference website.