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Call for Papers: CLARIN Annual Conference 2016

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

CLARIN is happy to announce the 5th CLARIN Annual Conference and invites submission of papers relating to CLARIN activities and projects.

A novel feature of this year’s conference will be a thematic session, on Language resources and historical sources.










The CLARIN Annual Conference is organized for the Humanities and Social Sciences community in order to exchange ideas and experiences. This includes the design, construction and operation of the CLARIN Infrastructure, the data and services that it contains or should contain, its actual use by researchers, its relation to other infrastructures and projects, and the CLARIN Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure.




The 5th CLARIN Annual Conference will be held in Aix-en-Provence, France.





15 April, 2016 First call published and submission system open

15 July, 2016 Submission deadline

4 September, 2016 Notification of acceptance

30 September, 2016 Final version of extended abstracts due

26–28 October, 2016 CLARIN Annual Conference




Operation and use of the CLARIN infrastructure, e.g.

  • Use of the CLARIN infrastructure in actual humanities research, including motivated needs for updated and new functionality.
  • Usability studies and evaluations of CLARIN services
  • Usage monitoring and statistics, identification of user audience and impact studies
  • Showcases and demonstrators
  • Models for the sustainability of the infrastructure, including issues in curation, migration, evolution, financing and cooperation
  • Legal and ethical issues in operating the infrastructure

Design and construction of the CLARIN infrastructure, e.g.

  • Metadata and concept registries, cataloguing and browsing
  • Persistent identifiers
  • Access, including Single Sign On Authentication and Authorization
  • Search in data, including Federated Content Search
  • Web applications, web services, workflows and use of eInfrastructure
  • Standards and interoperability

CLARIN Knowledge Infrastructure and Dissemination, e.g.

  • User assistance (helpdesks, user manuals, FAQs)
  • CLARIN Portals and outreach to users
  • Videos, screen casts, recorded lectures
  • Researcher training activitities
  • Knowledge infrastructure centres

In relation with other infrastructures and projects, e.g.

  • Relations with other SSH research infrastructures such as DARIAH, CESSDA, etc.
  • Relations with meta-infrastructure projects such as and .
  • Relations with national and regional initiatives

Thematic session: Language resources and historical sources

For this year’s edition of the CLARIN conference, a thematic session focusing on Language resources and historical sources is planned.

The general area of interest for the thematic session is CLARIN-related research in the historical sciences, understood in a wide sense to encompass fields such as History, “History of ...”/“... history” (e.g., History of science, Rhetorical history), as well as the various historically oriented subfields of linguistics (e.g., Historical linguistics, Historical pragmatics, etc.), and philology.

Considering the role of language resources in such research, we can distinguish two separate but overlapping aspects:

(1) The historical aspect in a narrower sense: Processing historical language stages in the form of text or speech, with the concomitant issues of digitization, non-standardized language.

(2) The diachronic aspect: Discovering, characterizing and tracking change through time, both linguistic changes and changes in the world as reflected in the content of text.

We invite submissions describing CLARIN-related work addressing both these aspects. Submissions (for oral presentations, posters, or demos) intended for the thematic session should be marked as such, by selecting “Thematic session” in the “Topics” field on the submission form in EasyChair. The submissions will be evaluated with respect to their appropriateness for the theme, in addition to the general acceptance criteria listed below.


The scientific program both of the general sessions and the thematic session will include oral presentations, posters, and demos. There is no difference in quality between oral and poster presentations. Only the appropriateness of the type of communication (more or less interactive) to the content of the paper will be considered.


Submission of proposals for oral presentations, poster presentations and/or demos must be extended abstracts (length: up to four A4 pages including references) in PDF format, formatted in accordance with the template provided on the website. Note that submissions should be anonymous. Indicate (using the “Topics” field of the submission system), whether the submission is intended for the general session or the thematic session.

It is not required that the authors are or have been directly involved in national or international CLARIN projects, but their work must be clearly related to the CLARIN activities, resources, tools or services. Submissions from countries which are not yet members of CLARIN are welcome, and will be reviewed by the same criteria as submissions from CLARIN member countries.

Extended abstracts must be submitted through the EasyChair submission system and will be reviewed by the program committee.

All proposals will be reviewed on the basis of both individual criteria and global criteria. The latter include thematic, linguistic and geographical spread. Individual acceptance criteria are the following:

  • Appropriateness: the contribution must pertain to the CLARIN infrastructure (e.g. use CLARIN, contribute to the CLARIN design, construction or operation, etc.). In addition, submissions to the thematic session will be selected on the basis of their appropriateness to the theme.
  • Soundness and correctness: the content must be technically and factually correct and methods must be scientifically sound, according to best practice, and preferably evaluated.
  • Meaningful comparison: the abstract must indicate that the author is aware of alternative approaches, if any, and highlight relevant differences.
  • Substance: concrete work and experiences will be preferred over ideas and plans.
  • Impact: contributions with a higher impact on the research community and society at large will be preferred over papers with lower impact.
  • Clarity: the extended abstract must be informative, clear and understandable for the CLARIN audience.
  • Timeliness and novelty: the work must convey relevant new knowledge to the audience at this event.


If the submission is accepted, it will be published (possibly in revised form) in the conference Book of Abstracts. After the conference, the author(s) will be invited to submit a full paper (max. 12 pages) to be reviewed according to the same criteria as the abstracts. Accepted full papers will be digitally published in a conference proceedings volume within about 6 months after the conference. We will contact Linköping University Electronic Press for publication of the conference proceedings.


The program committee for the conference consists of the following members:

  • Jan Theo Bakker, Dutch Language Union, The Netherlands/Flanders
  • Lars Borin, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (Chair)
  • Antonio Branco, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Koenraad De Smedt, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Tomaž Erjavec, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
  • Eva Hajičová, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
  • Erhard Hinrichs, University of Tübingen, Germany
  • Krister Lindén, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Bente Maegaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Monica Monachini, Institute for Computational Linguistics «A. Zampolli», Italy
  • Karlheinz Mörth, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
  • Jan Odijk, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
  • Rūta Petrauskaitė, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
  • Maciej Piasecki, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland
  • Stelios Piperidis, ILSP, Greece
  • Kiril Simov, IICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
  • Kadri Vider, University of Tartu, Estland
  • Martin Wynne, University of Oxford, UK





Templates for submissions:

Proceedings of previous CLARIN conferences:


For general information on the conference:events [at] (events[at]clarin[dot]eu)

For information on the call for papers and program: lars.borin [at] (lars[dot]borin[at]svenska[dot]gu[dot]se)