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Call for contributions to a special issue of the LRE Journal: Language Technology for Digital Humanities

Submitted by Linda Stokman on


Submissions are invited for papers to a special issue of the journal ”Language Resources and Evaluation”. The special issue will focus on the use of language technology for digital humanities and will have the title: Language Technology for Digital Humanities.

The editors would be delighted to receive submissions from the CLARIN community. Please consider contributing to this special issue and encourage colleagues to do so as well.


The use of digital resources and tools across humanities disciplines has steadily increased, giving rise to new research paradigms and associated methods that are commonly subsumed under the term ”digital humanities”. Digital humanities does not constitute a new discipline in itself, but rather a new approach to humanities research that cuts across different existing humanities disciplines. While digital humanities extends well beyond language-based research, textual resources and spoken language materials play a central role in most humanities disciplines. Applying LT tools and data for digital humanities research implies new perspectives on these resources regarding domain adaptation, interoperability, technical requirements, documentation, and usability of user interfaces.        


The editors invite original contributions on completed work, not published before and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Specific topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Case studies of using language technology and/or language resources with the goal of finding new answers to existing research questions in a particular humanities discipline or addressing entirely new research questions   
  • Case studies of expanding the functionality of existing language processing tools in order to be able to address research questions in digital humanities   
  • The design of new language processing tools as well as annotation tools for spoken and written language, showcasing their use in digital humanities research   
  • Domain adaption of rule-based, statistical, or machine-learning models for language processing tools in digital humanities research    
  • Challenges posed for language processing tools when used on diachronic data, language variation data, or literary texts    
  • Showcasing the use of language processing tools in humanities disciplines such as anthropology, gender studies, history, literary studies, philosophy, political science, and theology       


Accepted papers will have a length of 20-30 pages, excluding references.      

Authors are advised to use the online manuscript submission for the journal. Make sure to select the special issue when asked to provide the article type. More information, including formatting instructions for authors can be found on the journal's webpage at:…;    

Authors are requested to send a brief email to the guest editors LTforDH [at] (LTforDH[at]gmail[dot]com)<mailto:LTforDH [at];) indicating their intention to participate as soon as possible, including their contact information and the topic they intend to address in their submission. Questions regarding the special issue should be sent to the same address.


  • Submission deadline: 31 October 2017
  • Author notification of acceptance: 15 January 2018  


Erhard Hinrichs, University of Tübingen
Marie Hinrichs, University of Tübingen
Sandra Kübler, Indiana University
Thorsten Trippel, University of Tübingen


LTforDH [at] (LTforDH[at]gmail[dot]com)