During the first decade of its existence, CLARIN has established its position as a major player in the field. However, until recently only dispersed documents and articles in journals and conference proceedings have been available to those who wanted to learn more about this ambitious endeavour.
Today, as CLARIN transitions from the phase of conception and development to the phase of stable growth, the CLARIN Board of Directors is happy to launch a call for book chapters for the first monograph about CLARIN , which is intended to give readers a comprehensive overview of the organisation and its members, its goals and its functioning, as well as the tools and resources hosted by the CLARIN infrastructure. The monograph is planned to be published on the 10th anniversary of the European Commission Decision 2012/136/EU of 29 February 2012 establishing CLARIN ERIC.
All interested authors from CLARIN centres and external institutions, from academia, industry as well as the sector, can contribute to the monograph by responding to this Call.