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Call for CLARIN workshop proposals (2 types) - 2019

Submitted by Linda Stokman on


In 2019 a budget of €75000 is available for participants in the CLARIN consortia to organize workshops by representatives of the national consortia. This call is based on a continuous submission scheme.  (In the course of 2019 it will be decided whether a similar call will be opened for workshops to be organised in 2020. Potential proposers are requested to get in touch with clarin [at] (clarin[at]clarin[dot]eu) to check if and from when proposals for workshops in 2020 can be submitted.)

Funding for two types of workshops can be requested:

  • Workshop type I: addressing a topic that is in line with one or more of the strategic priorities of CLARIN 
  • Workshop type II: meant to prepare a work plan for a development project of up to three person months, again contributing to one or more of the strategic priorities of CLARIN.

See link for an overview of the strategic priorities of CLARIN.

The funding procedure is designed to be as flexible as possible, and therefore, much is left to the imagination and initiative of proposers and to the discretion and judgment of the assessment panel. However, the organisers of proposed workshops should plan the event in such a way that broad interest across member countries is ensured, and this potential international involvement should be articulated in the proposal. At least 3 CLARIN countries should be involved in the organisation.

The following sections below contain detailed descriptions of:

List of previously funded workshops with relevant links to workshop overviews and blog reports can be found here.

Workshop types

Workshop type I

This category of workshops is supposed to have a topical focus and a set-up that ensures the active engagement of the participants. The workshop should lead to an overview of results (insights, models, guidelines, etc., that could help CLARIN to improve (aspects of) the research infrastructure and to reach beyond the current state-of-the-art) as well as practical follow-up actions. The results should be summarized in a short report to be submitted within two months of the completion of the funded workshop. The reports will be published on the CLARIN website in form of blogs.

Assessment Criteria:

Workshop type II

Proposals for this category of workshops should be geared towards the specification of a work plan for the development of novel services or tools that could be integrated into the CLARIN infrastructure. The new services or tools should meet the relevant criteria for quality.

Assessment Criteria:

  • Soundness of timeline and budget, qualifications of the development team involved.
  • Maximum duration: six months.
  • Maximum costs: budget for up to three person months (max. 2 persons), and any additional costs for travel.
  • Draft agenda for the workshop, explanation of the overall strategic significance of the proposed development, and awareness of relevant standards and methodologies.

The proposal should include a description of how the outcome of the proposed development will address the requirements of users in the humanities, social sciences, and beyond;  and the potential added value for the CLARIN target audience(s) beyond the current state-of-the-art. 

The development track should lead to an overview of results and recommendations that are expected to facilitate the integration in the CLARIN infrastructure, all summarized in a report to be submitted within two months of the completion of the development work, to be published on the CLARIN website in form of a blog.


Who can apply for what and when 

Who can apply

Members of any of the CLARIN consortia can submit a proposal for workshop funding. In case the structure of a national consortium is not in place yet, or not specified unambiguously, applicants should check with the National Coordinator whether he/she can support the application. 

Applications should be submitted on behalf of a team of collaborating representatives from at least three countries that are members and/or observers of CLARIN (see overview of consortia). CLARIN encourages proponents to consider conjoining the proposed workshop with other events to use synergies, but this is not a requirement.

Eligible costs

The cost categories that can be proposed for funding include:

  • travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses for attendants and/or speakers,
  • room rental
  • catering

In principle personnel costs and indirect costs are not eligible for reimbursement (this includes administration costs). The workshop budget and number of participants should be well justified, but there is no a priori limit.

Other constraints

This call is meant for workshops and activities that will take place in 2019.
After acceptance of a proposal, the chosen workshop dates have to be approved by CLARIN in order to avoid that CLARIN events coincide.

A significant number of the participants who get their cost refunded should have an affiliation in one of the countries that are members or observers of CLARIN (see overview of consortia).

Submission and asssessment timeline

This is a continuous call. Applications submitted will be processed within 6 weeks upon receipt.

How to submit

A template for applications can be found through this link. Please submit your proposal in pdf format.

Where to submit

Applications should be sent to this mail address: clarin [at] (clarin[at]clarin[dot]eu), with the text “workshop proposal” in the subject header.


Assessment procedure

For each workshop application, an ad hoc assessment panel (consisting of representatives of CLARIN’s  Board of Directors and the National Coordinators’ Forum) will be installed to select proposals that have sufficient quality to justify funding. The panel could call in additional expertise where they feel that would be needed.

For the minimal criteria for funding, see assessment criteria above. In case more proposals will come in than can be funded the quality criterion and the potential for impact will become decisive in the comparison. We reserve the right to carry any remaining funds over to a next funding round in the event of an insufficient number of high-quality submissions.

Applications will be assessed within six weeks upon receipt, and in principle the proposals will be processed in the order in which they were received. If the available budget would be exhausted already early in 2019, a notification will be posted on this web page. All applications that have not been assessed by then will be assessed in a next funding round, if any.


Terms and conditions (technical reporting and financial procedure)

Technical reporting for type I workshops

The report for a type I workshop should include:

  • Date and location of the workshop
  • Information about the organizing team
  • List of speakers and/or attendees
  • The goal of the workshop
  • Contributions of the workshop to strategic goals of CLARIN ERIC (max 150 words)
  • A summary of the main results of the workshop (max 400 words)
  • Any publications planned
  • A summary of the potential for impact and the next steps to be taken within the CLARIN community (max 200 words)

The report is due within 2 months after the workshop and should be suited for publication on the CLARIN ERIC website. See below for the financial procedure.

Technical reporting for type II workshops and the subsequent development track

A workshop of type II should result in a plan for development. This plan should be the main ingredient of the workshop report, together with details on:

  • Date and location of the workshop
  • The organizing team
  • List of speakers and/or attendees
  • A summary for publication on the CLARIN ERIC website describing the development goals and methods (max 200 words).
  • Contribution of the workshop and project to strategic goals of CLARIN ERIC (max 150 words)

The plan is due within 2 months after the workshop. See below for the financial procedure .

The report for the development track should include:

  • For publication on the CLARIN website:
    an update of the initial summary, now also including (links to) the development results (max 250 words) 
  • Information about the development team, including the those who are involved an advisory and/or monitoring role
  • Information on the approach towards the collection of user requirements
  • A summary of the results obtained, including performance figures, if available (max 400 words)
  • Contribution of the workshop and project to strategic goals of CLARIN ERIC (max 150 words)
  • Recommendations that should facilitate the integration in the CLARIN infrastructure, including suggestions for how the results could be brought under the attention of potential users (max 300 words)
  • Any publications planned
  • A summary of any further potential for impact (max 200 words)

The report is due within 2 months after the agreed development period and should be suited for publication on the CLARIN ERIC website.


Financial procedure

The main workshop proposer will be responsible for assembling all claims relevant to the workshop and for payment of all cost statements of the workshop participants. In principle personnel costs and indirect costs are not eligible for reimbursement (this includes administration costs). On request a prepayment by CLARIN ERIC can be issued up to a maximum of 60% of the total workshop budget. Together with the workshop report (see above), a final summary of expanses claimed will have to be sent to the financial officer at CLARIN ERIC (finances [at] (finances[at]clarin[dot]eu)) before the last batch of the funds can be transferred. The cost summary is due within 2 months after the workshop date.

For the payment of any personnel costs needed for the development track following a type II workshop, a separate secondment contract will be issued, including the conditions related to the reporting, and the terms for prepayment, final payment, etc.