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Alexander von Humboldt’s Famous ‘Kosmos-Lecture’ (1827/28): From Digital to Print Edition

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

Alexander von Humboldt’s legendary ‘Kosmos-Lectures’ in 1827/28 at the Berlin Sing-Akademie – then the city’s largest lecture hall, are regarded as a decisive moment in the history of scientific popularization. In the winter of 1827/28, approximately one thousand Berliners and guests from abroad attended the 16 consecutive lectures. 

The recently published volume Die Kosmos-Vorlesung an der Berliner Sing-Akademie, edited by Christian Kassung and Christian Thomas, presents, for the first time in a printed edition, the reliable and complete text of the sixteen lectures, corrected on the basis of Henriette Kohlrausch postscript.

This digital edition, and consequently the printed volume, made heavy use of and benefited greatly from components of the CLARIN infrastructure, using several of its tools and services all the way through the research data lifecycle: from gathering and structuring data in a standardised and interoperable manner to its publication, computer-based analysis, and long-term archiving.  

Read the full blog post written by Christian Thomas (CLARIN-D, BBAW).