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2021 Teaching CLARIN Award Goes to Darja Fišer & Kristina Pahor de Maiti, Mietta Lennes and Diana Maynard

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Darja Fišer & Kristina Pahor de Maiti, Mietta Lennes, and Diana Maynard win the 2021 edition of the Teaching with CLARIN Award.

This new Teaching with CLARIN Award is given to lecturers or other educational professionals who have successfully integrated CLARIN into the courses they teach and/or training material they have developed and which they submitted to the Teaching CLARIN in Times of Corona call.

  • The Teaching with CLARIN Jury Award goes to Darja Fišer, Kristina Pahor de Maiti and Mietta Lennes. The winners of this award are selected by a jury consisting of five representatives from the CLARIN Training taskforce, the Board of Directors and the User Involvement committee. Darja, Kristina and Mietta are awarded the Teaching with CLARIN Jury Award for their contribution to this year's call and for their long-lasting commitment and involvement in CLARIN educational activities
  • Diana Maynard wins the Teaching with CLARIN Audience Award. The winner(s) of this award are selected through an open election during the CLARIN Annual Conference. 

Winners' Contributions

Mietta Lennes
Faculty of Humanities, University of Helsinki, Finland
Darja Fišer and Kristina Pahor de Maiti
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Diana Maynard
Faculty of Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK