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1st Call for CLARIN User Involvement event proposals - 2017

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

1. Introduction

A budget of € 20.000 is available for (co-)financing of CLARIN User Involvement (UI) events to be organized by representatives of the national consortia.

Funding for three types of events can be requested:

  • CLARIN Master Classes: a session at a major event in the fields of Digital Humanities and/or Social Sciences where CLARIN experts answer researchers’ questions and recommend CLARIN approaches/tools/resources. For this event type up to 1,500 EUR per proposal can be requested.
  • CLARIN Courses at Summer Schools: a course/tutorial/workshop on a CLARIN-related topic at a prominent Digital Humanities and/or Social Sciences summer school. For this event type up to 3,000 EUR per proposal can be requested.
  • CLARIN Training Events: a workshops/seminar for researchers on new/key language tools and resources (e.g. at universities, institutes, libraries, archives and museums), a seminar for teachers addressing deficitary topics in their curricula, a seminar addressing an under-serviced community (e.g. diaspora, minorities, special needs), a refreshment course for professionals (e.g. translators, journalists). For this event type up to 5,000 EUR per proposal can be requested.

Variations on these types of events will also be considered.

2. Submission details

2.1 Who can apply:

Representatives of any of the participating CLARIN consortia, observer countries and centres can submit a proposal for UI funding. In case the structure of a national consortium is not in place yet, or not specified unambiguously, applicants should check with the National Coordinator whether he/she can support the application. Co-operation of national consortia is not a requirement but will be considered a plus in the evaluation procedure, as will the impact of the event on new and existing users and the reusability potential of the developed materials.

2.2 UI event date:

This call is primarily intended for UI events that can be scheduled before 15 December 2017, but UI events that need more planning ahead and will be carried out before October 2018 are also eligible.

The cost categories that can be proposed for funding include:

  • travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses for lecturers and/or organizers;
  • room rental;
  • catering.

Personnel costs and indirect costs are not eligible for reimbursement. The budget breakdown provided should cover the costs for the entire events, not just the request funding.

2.3 When to submit:

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis from 15 February 2017 until the available budget is exhausted.

2.4 How to submit:

A template for applications can be found through this link.

2.5 Where to submit:

Applications should be sent to: clarin [at] (clarin[at]clarin[dot]eu), with the text “UI event proposal” in the subject header.

3. Assessment procedure

An assessment panel consisting of the Chair of the , Director of UI and the Executive Director of CLARIN will select the proposals that have sufficient quality to justify funding.

For the minimal criteria for funding, see above. In case more proposals will come in than can be funded, the quality criterion, the impact of the event on the new and existing users, the reusability potential of the developed materials, and the co-operation of several consortia will be decisive in the comparison.

Applications will be processed in the order in which they were received and will be processed within 3 weeks. Once the available budget is exhausted, a notification will be posted on this web page. All applications that have not been assessed by then will be assessed in the next funding round.

4. Terms and conditions

4.1 Technical reporting

The report about the UI event should include:

  • Date and location of the event
  • Information about the organizing team
  • List of speakers and/or attendees
  • The goal of the event
  • Contributions of the event to strategic goals of CLARIN ERIC (max 150 words)
  • A summary of the main results of the event (max 400 words)
  • Link to any training materials developed for the event (in order to stimulate re-use)
  • A summary of the potential for impact and the next steps to be taken within the CLARIN community (max 200 words);
  • Plans for organizing similar events in other contexts (strongly encouraged)

The report is due within 2 months after the event and should be suited for publication on the CLARIN ERIC website.

4.2 Financial procedure

The main UI event proposer will be responsible for assembling all claims relevant to the event and for payment of all cost statements. On request a prepayment by CLARIN ERIC can be issued up to a maximum of 60% of the total event budget. Together with the event report (see above), a final summary of expanses claimed (based on actual costs) will have to be sent to the financial officer at CLARIN ERIC (finances [at] (finances[at]clarin[dot]eu)) before the last batch of the funds can be transferred. The cost summary is due within 2 months after the event date.

4.3 Other

The CLARIN funding is to be mentioned in all external communication related to the event.