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Legal and Ethical Issues Committee

The (CLARIN) Legal and Ethical Issues Committee (CLIC) is a permanent committee that reports to the Board of Directors. Its main responsibility is to advise the Board of Directors on all issues related to IPR, privacy and data protection and ethical matters, as well as legal issues related to access and dissemination policies and their implementation, to be referred to below as 'legal and ethical issues'.

Its main tasks include:

  • To prepare and publish analyses related to legal and ethical issues concerning CLARIN activities
  • To organise and participate at competency building events (seminars, hackathons, etc.) relating to legal and ethical issues concerning CLARIN activities. The chair may ask the CLARIN Office for assistance in organising events
  • To collect, consolidate and prepare for publication in a single place the findings and recommendations related to legal and ethical issues
  • To maintain the set of license templates supported by CLARIN and adapt them to new developments within or outside CLARIN
  • To develop and implement procedures for the discussion and adoption of new recommendations for dealing with legal and ethical issues
  • To liaise closely with the Technical Centre Committee in order to ensure that our legal and ethical issues policy and its technical implementation are in line
  • To ensure harmonisation of legal and ethical policies between CLARIN and related initiatives such as (but not restricted to) DARIAH and other sister SSH infrastructures, META Alliance, etc.
  • To publish and promote the legal and ethical policies adopted by CLARIN
  • To follow the ongoing debates on legal and ethical issues at EU and national level, and to report on this to the
  • To make an annual work plan
  • To advise the Board of Directors in all legal and ethical issues.

You can find further information:

If you have further inquiries on legal issues, you can contact us at legal [at] (legal[at]lists[dot]clarin[dot]eu).


Paweł Kamocki Chair Germany
Walter Scholger Vice-chair Austria
Kiril Simov Member Bulgaria
Pavel Straňák Member Czechia
Sussi Olsen Member Denmark
Aleksei Kelli Member Estonia
Krister Lindén Member Finland
Erik Ketzan Member Germany
Penny Labropoulou Member Greece
Deborah De Angelis Member Italy
Silvia Calamai Member Italy
Ilze Auziņa Member Latvia
Andrius Puksas Member Lithuania
Esther Hoorn Member Netherlands
Hildur Thorarensen Member Norway
Mateja Jemec Tomazin Member Slovenia