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Technical Centres Assessment Committee

The Technical Centres Assessment Committee (TCAC) is a permanent committee that reports to the Board of Directors. Its main responsibility is to assess the level and quality of CLARIN centres of type A, B and E, as described in the Centre Types Document. 

Its main tasks are:

  • To assess the quality of candidate centres of type A, B and E
  • To regularly assess the quality of centres that have been recognised as type A, B or E centres
  • To maintain the set of centre requirements and adapt them to new developments within or outside CLARIN
  • To advise the Board of Directors on the content of Service Level Agreements to be concluded with the centres
  • To advise the Board of Directors on requirements and recognition procedures for other types of centres
  • To advise the Board of Directors on any issues deemed relevant for maintaining the quality of the services provided by the CLARIN infrastructure.

Assessment of a centre can take place:

  • In the case of a new candidate centre on the basis of a request submitted to the Board of Directors by the national coordinator
  • In the case of existing centres on the basis of a request by the head of the centre
  • In the case of existing centres on the TCAC’s own initiative.

The draft assessment report is sent to the , and to the head of the centre with a request for comments, together with recommendations for further action. TCAC members cannot participate in the assessment of their own centre other than by providing information on the request of the chair.

Every year the TCAC prepares an overview of the state of the centres for the General Assembly to be submitted to the BoD one month before the GA meeting takes place.

All relevant documents for the Centre Assessment Committee are available here.