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What parts does a CMDI metadata file have?

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Each files exists of 3 parts:

  • a (fixed) Header, containing administrative information:
    • MdCreator: the author of the file
      • e.g. "Eric Carlson"
    • MdCreationDate: the creation date of this file
      • e.g. "2016-12-31"
    • MdSelfLink: the URL or of this file
    • MdProfile: the unique identifier of a CMDI profile, as generated by the component registry
      • e.g. ""
    • MdCollectionDisplayName: an (optional but recommended) plain text indication to which collection this file belongs. Used for the Collection facet in the
  • a (fixed) Resources section, containing links to:
    • external files (e.g. an annotation file or a sound recording)
    • and/or other CMDI metadata files (to build hierarchies)
  • a (flexible) Components section, where the actual components that this profile contains will appear

This example CMDI file illustrates the use of the 3 parts.