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How do I create a new CMDI metadata file?

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Using oXygen

In the oXygen XML editor, an easy way to get started is using the "Generate sample XML files" feature:

  • Choose "Generate sample XML files" in the "Tools" menu.
  • Insert the URL of the schema of the desired profile (see "How can I create an XSD (XML schema) from my CMDI profile?") into the URL field.
  • Make sure to select CMD as the root element (possibly overriding Oxygen's default suggestion). This should set the value of the "namespace" field to either ( 1.1) or (CMDI 1.2 or higher).
  • Optionally set the desired default namespace (if you don't know what this does, you can skip this step).
  • Review the options in the "Options" pane, in particular the checkboxes that determine whether optional fields should be instantiated or not.
  • Click "OK" to generate a sample CMDI document.
  • Use this document as a template to create your CMDI records.
  • Use the autocomplete and suggestion functionality of Oxygen's Text or Grid mode to further edit your document(s).
  • Make sure to validate your document regularly, in particular before publishing your metadata.
  • The official documentation provides more information about editing XML documents using oXygen.

Using Arbil

Arbil only supports CMDI 1.1 and should not be used with new or existing CMDI 1.2 records or profiles.

Note that Arbil is no longer being maintained and therefore cannot be supported by CLARIN.

  • Download Arbil (2.6 or higher) and start it
  • Go to Options > Templates & Profiles
  • Select in "Clarin Profiles" which profile(s) you want to use as the basis for a CMDI file anc click on Close
  • Right-click on Local corpus, choose Add and select the relevant profile (the CMDI profiles are marked with a CLARIN icon)