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Can I use multiple languages in my metadata description?

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Yes. If you tick the checkmark next to Multilingual for an element in the Component Registry, it will result in a multilingual field. With the xml:lang attribute you can then indicate the language in which an element has been described, see eg. the following fragment in this example CMDI file:

<!-- Note the support for multilingual fields, using the xml:lang attribute -->
<title xml:lang="eng">mister</title>
<title xml:lang="fra">monsieur</title>
<title xml:lang="nld">mijnheer</title>

For indicating the language we strongly advice to use the ISO-639-3 language code.

Please note that enabling Multilingual will make the element repeatable, even if the Maximum number of occurences is set to 1.