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CLARIN Café: Of Users and Infrastructures

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General Information

This CLARIN Café is organised by the CLARIN User Involvement Committee.

The CLARIN hosts are Francesca Frontini and Maria Gavriilidou.

  • Date: 25/07/2024
  • Time: 11:00 - 12:30 (CEST)
  • Venue: CLARIN virtual Zoom meeting
  • Twitter hashtag: #CLARINcafe
A full overview of planned CLARIN Café sessions can be found on the CLARIN Café page.


This Café focuses on the digital research practices and needs of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) stakeholders, particularly in light of the impact of the pandemic. User needs, research practices and relevant workflows presented are based on the findings of a recent survey conducted as part of the Greek project ‘The Emerging Landscape of Digital Work Practices in the Humanities in the Context of the European Research Infrastructures DARIAH and CLARIN’.

The primary motivation for this event is to highlight the lessons learned and to discuss the implications of these findings for future research infrastructure design and improvement. The presentation will offer insights into how researchers in the SSH domain use language resources, tools, and infrastructures.

Participants can expect to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  1. Understanding the current digital research landscape: Gain knowledge about the digital research practices and needs of SSH stakeholders, including how these were influenced by the pandemic.
  2. Research methodology insights: Learn helpful tips about the research methodologies employed in the study, which can inform future research projects.
  3. Compatibility of existing LR infrastructures with user needs: Explore user needs regarding language resources, tools and services, and assess the appropriateness of the materials/technologies offered by LR infrastructures.
  4. Future infrastructure design: Gain ideas and insights for improving research infrastructures, grounded in real data and practical experiences.


Target Audience

User Involvement Committee (UIC) members, Knowledge Infrastructure Committee (KIC) members, researchers, academics, students, and those interested in outreach to the user community and investigating SSH user needs and the appropriateness of materials and services offered by LR infrastructures.  


How to Join

Please register for free using this link to receive the meeting room details.



Welcome and Introduction by Francesca Frontini (CLARIN ) and Maria Gavriilidou (CLARIN User Involvement)

Of Users and Infrastructures by Kanella Pouli (CLARIN:EL)

  • What do users want? (Main research findings)
  • How to find out? (Research methodology tips: Dos and Don’ts)
  • What do we offer? (Do we meet the users' needs?)
  • Where do we go from here? (Less data, more tools?) 




Speake name: Kanella Pouli

Role: Senior Research Associate

Affiliation: ILSP/Athena RC

Kanella Pouli (kanella [at] (kanella[at]athenarc[dot]gr)) holds a BSc in Linguistics from the University of Athens and an MSc in Language Technology from the University of Athens and the National Technical University of Athens. She is a senior research associate at ILSP/Athena RC involved in various European and national projects (QTLaunchPad, CEF-ELRC, FutureTDM, CRACKER, Clarin: EL, Apollonis, ISD, ELE, and LDS). Her work focuses on designing and improving infrastructures for language resources and technologies, developing and adapting metadata schemas, and collecting and documenting language resources. Her responsibilities include user training and involvement, along with producing informative material.


