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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 

Summer School Digital Humanities and Digital Communication: AI and (new) Literacies

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General Information

Date: 12-16
Time: all day
Venue: Universitá degli studi di Modena Reggio Emilia


The 2023 Edition of the Summer School will investigate whether AI will undermine human abilities and skills, even making some redundant, and perhaps lessen the desire to think, write, or draw for ourselves, or whether AI can be an ally, stimulating new forms of human creativity and novel research pathways.

The 2023 Summer School will try to address some of these questions from different disciplinary points of view, while at the same time allowing participants to explore some of the recent advances in the field of digital humanities in hands-on workshops.


CLARIN Related presentations at the event:
  • 16 June Dario Del Fante will present: Using the CLARIN infrastructure for Digital Humanities research. The example of ParlaMint.
Check the updated programme on the summer school website [link]

Invited Speakers

  • John Bateman (University of Bremen)
  • Naomi Baron (Emerita, American University Washington)
  • Caroline Bassett (University of Cambridge)
  • Gwen Bouvier (University of Shanghai)
  • Cristoph Draxler (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
  • Karina Horsti (University of Jyväskylä /University of Helsinki)
  • Julien Longhi (Université Cergy Pontoise, Paris)
  • Massimo Riva, (Italian Studies, Brown University, director of the Virtual Humanities Lab)
  • Francesca Tomasi (Università di Bologna)
  • Markus Westner (OTH Regensburg)
For a more detailed description of the invited speakers profiles check the summer school website [link]
