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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 

Panel Discussion: What Will the Language Professional of Tomorrow Do?

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Language technology plays an increasingly important role in the multilingual European societies we live in. Will language specialists be replaced by data scientists, or will expert knowledge of languages stay a key competence on the job market? In cooperation with Drongo, the translation service of the European Commission is organising a panel discussion between trainers, students, companies, researchers and language professionals about the job market for language experts. The discussion will take place on the occasion of the publication of OTTO: an inventory of training programmes in the field of language and technology in the Netherlands and Belgium. This event is of interest to trainers, students, employers in the language industry, buyers of language services, and future and experienced language professionals. Participants can speak in Dutch, English and French.


(subject to change)


Presentation of OTTO (Drongo platform for multilingualism) by Maaike Verrips and Dries Debackere (De Taalsector)

Panel discussion (in two parts): What will the language professional of tomorrow do? Moderator: Emma Hartkamp (European Commission)

Part 1 – Training 


Part 2 – Job market

  • Margreet Dorleijn - Literary Translator
  • Dennis Lindberg -  Student Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, Tilburg University
  • Tom Vanallemeersch - Language AI Advisor at CrossLang, Ghent



Link to the registration form is available on this web page

Language policy

Participants can speak in Dutch, English and French.

Target Audience

This event is of interest to trainers, students, employers in the language industry, buyers of language services, and future and experienced language professionals.