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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 

Language Technology and Digital Humanities Conference 2022

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General Details

Date: 15 and 16 September 2022
Location: SDJT, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana


The Slovenian Language Technologies Society (SDJT), the Centre for Language Resources and Technologies at the University of Ljubljana (CJVT), the Institute of Contemporary History (INZ) and the research infrastructures CLARIN.SI and DARIAH-SI are organising the conference “Language Technologies and Digital Humanities” on 15th and 16th September 2022. The biennial conference “Language Technologies” was first held in 1998, with the thematic expansion to Digital Humanities introduced in 2016.

Thematic areas of the conference

The conference aimes to bring together researchers from various backgrounds and methodological frameworks. The main topics will include but are not limited to:

  • Speech and other mono- and multilingual language technologies
  • Digital linguistics: translation studies, corpus linguistics, lexicology and lexicography, standardisation
  • Digital humanities and historical studies, ethnology, literary studies, musicology, cultural heritage, archaeology, and fine arts
  • Digital humanities in education and digital publishing

We welcome submissions that present guidelines, research, good practices, projects and results in these areas. The conference will also include invited lectures, a student section, and roundtables on topics related to the conference. The official languages of the conference will be Slovene and English.

Attendance and Registration

For more information about attendance and registration visit the conference website.
