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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 

The Vademecum for Oral Sources

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General Information

Date: 27 October 2021
Time: from 9:00 to 12:00
Location: Ministry for culture, Rome and Online



The workshop Vademecum for Oral Sources, aims at documenting best practices produced by Italian experts and oral archives curators. It is co-organised by CLARIN-IT and will feature a presentation by CLARIN ED, Franciska de Jong.



9.30 - 11.00 | Introduction and greetings (IT) by Sabrina Mingarelli (direzione generale archivi and Servizio II - Patrimonio archivistico), Elisabetta Reale (istituto centrale per gli archivi) and Laura Moro (istituto centrale per la digitalizzazione del patrimonio culturale - Digital Library)
  • 10.00 | Alessandro Portelli (Circolo Gianni Bosio) On the importance of Oral Archives (IT)
  • 10.30 | Franciska de Jong  (Executive Director CLARIN ERIC) Spoken Word Archives as Societal and Cultural Data (EN)
11.00 - 11.30 | Vademecum for the treatment of oral sources (IT) 
  • Alessandro Casellato (associazione italiana di storia orale e Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) Definitions and Legal Requirements (IT)
  • Maria Francesca Stamuli (soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica della Toscana) Production and Conservation of Oral Sources (IT)
  • Silvia Calamai (associazione italiana di scienze della voce e Università degli studi di Siena) Acquisition and Valorisation of Oral Archives (IT)
11.30 - 12.00 | Debate

Participation at the Event

The event will be streamed to the platform at this link