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SSHOC Considerations for the Vocabulary Platforms - Virtual Workshop

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The breadth of the Social Science and Humanities sector has led not only to the diversification of the research methods and work practices in the field but also to diversity in the way vocabularies are used to describe, discover and access research content. The SSHOC EU thematic cluster project aims to improve the conditions for sharing and optimising research data and services in a sustainable way across domains, thus developing the SSH area of the European Open Science Cloud for the sector.

In this context, the current varied practices in how vocabularies are used for enabling access to research content are calling for unification effort and CLARIN has taken the initiative to collect, register, and harmonize SSH vocabularies/terminologies/ontologies and to improve the service offer of vocabulary platforms.

Following up on the series of online information sessions that took place in September, we would like to invite you to a more in-depth virtual workshop that will take place on Friday, 6 November 2020 from 9:00 to 13:15 (CET).

This virtual workshop aims to provide an update about the vocabulary-related activities within the SSHOC project, discuss the potential alignment between different vocabulary platforms, and how we could address the interoperability challenges.

Target Audience

The programme is suitable for academic or industry professionals who operate, integrate, and manage vocabulary platforms, such as librarians, information specialists, knowledge management engineers, etc.

How to join

You will receive the ZOOM meeting link once you have registered for the meeting via this Google form.


09:00 - 09:10

Introduction (recording)

Franciska de Jong

Executive Director CLARIN ERIC

09:10 - 09:30

Presentation of the MS08 results: Choice of Vocabulary publication platforms for SSHOC (slides) (recording)

Monica Monachini

CLARIN - IT National Coordinator and SSHOC WP3

09:30 - 10:30

SSHOC WP updates on vocabularies:

  • Vocabulary Survey (recording)
  • Vocabulary mapping tool for archaeology in ARIADNE plus (recording)
  • Management of controlled vocabularies within the Aioli platform with the Opentheso tool (recording)
  • BackBone Thesaurus, a model for thesauri interoperability (recording)
  • How Dataverse supports external vocabularies (recording)


Clara Petitfils & Nicolas Larrousse (WP7-WP3)

Holly Wright ( WP5)

Isabelle Cao (WP4)

Chryssoula Bekiari (WP4)

Slava Tykhonov, (WP5)

10:30 Break  
11:00 - 11:15 Overview of the CLARIN & SSHOC webinar series: open-source vocabulary hosting and management platforms

Iulianna van der Lek


11:15 - 11:30 CESSDA: main requirements and best practices (slides) (recording)

Taina Jääskeläinen

Finnish Social Science Data Archive

11:30 - 11:45 CLARIN: main requirements and best practices (slides) (recording) Dieter Van Uytvanck
Technical Director at CLARIN ERIC
11:45 - 12:00 DARIAH: main requirements and best practices (slides) (recording)

Matej Ďurčo


12:00 - 12:30 Break  
12:30- 13:00

Panel: SSHOC Considerations for the Vocabulary platforms (recording)


ModeratorDaan Broeder

Panelists: Menzo WindhouwerSuzanne Dumouchel, Matej Ďurčo, Melanie Bunel

13:15 Wrap-up