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CLARIN K-centre Workshop 2020 (Virtual Event)

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General information | Purpose | Programme

General information

This workshop will be virtual.

Date: 30 November - 1 December 2020
Time: 30 November from 13:00 to 16:30 and 1 December from 9:00 to 12:30 (CET)
Venue: CLARIN virtual Zoom meeting


K-centres are an important element of the CLARIN Knowledge Infrastructure. At present there are 23 K-centres. The purpose of the workshop is to create more visibility of the K-centres, outwards – towards the outside world and the users – , but also inwards – among the K-centres themselves. When K-centres know each other better, and know the expertise existing at other K-centres, they can better collaborate and make use of this expertise.

Additional purposes are to make K-centres aware of the various instruments at their disposal, and to discuss what CLARIN can do for K-centres.



Welcome, program and presentation round

Bente Maegaard, All


Concept of K-centre, K-centre Landscape - overview [Slides]

Bente Maegaard


Presentation of the K-centres (3-4 min per centre). Expertise, users, … [Slides]

Maria Eskevich, K-centre contact persons 

15:20-15:45 Questions to K-centres Maria Eskevich, All
15:45-16:00 Break

The K-centre Monitoring report, key messages and lessons learnt. [Slides]


Maciej Piasecki, Mikel Iruskieta
16:30 Wrap up Day 1 Bente Maegaard

Overview of Day 2

Bente Maegaard


CLARIN Funding instruments: Training Suite, Trainers Network Programme, User Involvement, Resource Families, Workshops, Mobility Grants General discussion of funding instruments. Other wishes? [Slides]

Darja Fišer


Presenting the work of K-centres through Tour de CLARIN Developing showcases based on the research results made possible by K-centres. [Slides]

Darja Fišer

10:15-10:45 Discussion on Users of K-centres, how to attract users, do you have the right users, how to serve users, could problems sometimes be solved by other K-centres? Or by CLARIN? What would be needed? Bente Maegaard, K-centre contact persons
10:45-11:00 Break

K-centres are of obvious value for CLARIN, as they form a backbone of the Knowledge Infrastructure. Let us look at it from the K-centre angle:

  • What are the reasons for becoming a K-centre?
  • What do K-centres gain?

The Landscape of K-centres revisited. Does CLARIN miss K-centres? Do you miss access to expertise? What do you miss? [Slides]

Steven Krauwer, K-centre contact persons
  • What do K-centres expect from CLARIN?
  • How can CLARIN support K-centres? Visibility – website, CLARIN Café, consultation hours etc.
  • Service against a fee?
  • What would K-centres expect from other K-centres?
Franciska de Jong, K-centre contact persons
12:00-12:30 Final discussion. Elements not discussed yet. Evaluation of this workshop Next steps, ideas that have come up during this workshop Bente Maegaard, All