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CLARIN Café II: How to use CLARIN in (online) higher education (Virtual Event)

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General information

This edition of the CLARIN Café was organized by CLARIN Ambassador Assoc. Prof. Francesca Frontini (Paul-Valéry University, Montpellier III).

Date: 10 June 2020
Time: 14:30 - 16:00 (CEST)
Venue: CLARIN virtual Zoom meeting

(A full overview of the Café sessions scheduled can be found on the CLARIN Café page.) 

Video recordings

The recordings of the presentations are now available on the CLARIN Youtube Channel

You can also read more about this CLARIN Café in this blog post.  


Registration is closed.

Background & goal

The proposed CLARIN Café is a follow up of the past CLARIN@universities workshop which was held last November in Utrecht, and which opened up the discussion of the use of CLARIN resources for higher education. While the workshop showcased various positive experiences (e.g. a student who explored Fin-CLARIN said that it is "paradise for researchers") the demand for more support has been expressed and the idea of share teaching scenarios was proposed. Fast forward a few months and the situation in higher education has drastically changed, with an even stronger need for virtual education tools and platforms. What can CLARIN do to support such needs? What can we learn from the success stories, but also from the less positive ones? With the impending summer, and lecturers starting to prepare their courses for next September in these uncertain times, this CLARIN Café will be an opportunity to meet, find inspiration for new teaching solutions, collect feedback and needs, and share ideas.


  • Amalia Mendes
    CLARIN in the Humanities courses of Lisbon 
    Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa, School of Arts and Humanities - Lisbon University



  • Jolanta Kovalevskaitė (CLARIN Lithuania User involvement representative)
     Integrating CLARIN-LT Resources in Teaching
    CLARIN-LT, Vytautas Magnus University



  •  Vera Ferreira
    New times, New Challenges: Exploring Language Archives
    SOAS University of London (UK) and CIDLeS - Interdisciplinary Centre for Social and Language Documentation (Portugal)



  • Mietta Lennes (FIN-CLARIN User Involvement representative)
    Developing online teaching with materials, exercises and videos in two languages 
    Project Planning Officer - FIN-CLARIN &  Department of Digital Humanities - University of Helsinki

Target audience

This CLARIN Café will target an audience of lecturers and will focus on academic courses at BA and MA level. The use cases will be drawn from the domain of linguistics and language documentation, but they may provide useful insights on the use of CLARIN resources for lecturers in all SSH disciplines.