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User Involvement Group Meeting

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An internal CLARIN meeting for key personnel involved in user engagement activities in the national consortia and at the European level. The agenda for this meeting will include:

  • The CLARIN user engagement handbook: sharing expertise and experiences
  • User Involvement strategy: prioritizing groups of users
  • The CLARIN catalogue of user engagement activities: keeping it up to date
  • CLARIN-PLUS: making the best use of the opportunities and extra resources
  • Measuring impact

CLARIN will cover the accommodation and subsistence costs for one person per country, as nominated by the national coordinators, and pay €100 towards travel costs.

Please note that the proposed location for this meeting has changed. It will no longer be held in Oxford, but in Utrecht, on the day following the CLARIN-PLUS project kick-off meeting.  

The agenda is given below:

09:00 Welcome and introduction to the day

Martin Wynne and Franciska de Jong introduce the aims of the event.

09:15 User Involvement Strategy and Tactics

Martin Wynne introduces the background documents, and leads a discussion on:

  • Who are the users and how do we engage with them?

  • What we are doing now that works, and what doesn't?

  • What's missing, and what more do we need to do to develop a better user involvement strategy?

10:00 Round-Europe Round-up

One representative of each country has 5 minutes presentation (max. three slides) to report recent success stories, future plans and ideas, and some informaation on how impact is currently measured. Typically this might use three slides:

  • a. recent activities: successes and failures

  • b. planned future activities and ideas

  • c. how do you measure usage and impact?

The slides are available to group members only in the user involvement group area of the website.

10:30 Break

10:50 Round-Europe Round-up (continued)

12:30 Lunch

13:30 The ERIC and National Consortia

  • What should be done at the ERIC level and what at the national level?

  • What can the national activities do to contribute to the wider impact of CLARIN?

  • What can CLARIN ERIC do for you?

14:00 Measuring impact

How do we measure the extent and success of our engagements with users? Participants should be prepared to talk about:

  • What you are doing already to measure usage?

  • What your funders and other stakeholders require?

  • What could CLARIN ERIC do to help with measuring impact?

15:00 Break

15:20 Planning joint activities: breakout sessions

Topics identified earlier in the day will be addressed by small group discussion

16:30 Wrap-up

Report back from breakout groups; summary of the day and action points.

17:00 End


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Domplein 4