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Talk of Europe - Creative Camp #3 on “Linking Government Data”

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The third and final Creative Camp will be organised from 26 – 30 October 2015 at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek/National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague. 

In this week-long event we will work on connecting datasets from and about governments, ranging from parliamentary proceedings and policy documents to news media and social media, and work towards a broad, international, cross-media network of ‘Linked Government’ data.

More and more data from and about governments is available online. To name just a few: parliamentary proceedings [e.g. 123], public financial information [4], news archives [56], social media [7] and thesauri related to these subjects [8]. Some of these are Open Data and some are Linked Open Data. However, very few of these datasets are connected to each other. With this Creative Camp we aim to contribute to a Web of Data in which these diverse but related datasets are connected.

For more information on the creative camp and how to apply, see the full call for participation.


About Talk of Europe

The Talk of Europe – Travelling CLARIN Campus project aims to facilitate and stimulate pan-European collaboration in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Computer Science, based on the proceedings of the European Parliament (EP) by organising three international creative camps (the first creative camp was held in June, 2014 and the second creative camp was held in March, 2015). These proceedings are a rich source for humanities and social sciences researchers that focus on areas such as European History, integration and politics. Given their multilingualism they are also a rich source for linguists. The Talk of Europe (TOE) project team has made these proceeding available as Linked Data for reuse and research purposes. They contain the debates in the EP from July 1999 onwards, including all available translations in 22 languages. The creative camp intends to stimulate and explore this rich source by bringing together academics from the humanities, social sciences, computer science and related disciplines.





The Hague