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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 

NEERI09 - Networking Event for European Research Infrastructures

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CLARIN would like to invite all interested European research infrastructure initiatives to exchange information to get a more comprehensive picture which will be essential for moving to a more coherent European eInfrastructure scenario.
UPDATE: a comprehensive report is available at (thanks to Matej Durco)
Workshop: Wednesday, 2009 September 30
Event: Thursday – Friday 2009 October 1 – 2
The upcoming event in Helsinki in September will have two parts:
  • a 1-day workshop about standards as they emerge in our domain
  • a 2-days conference that is meant to serve as a forum for cross-fertilization
For more information and registration, see the NEERI09 website at:
Peter Wittenburg, Gerhard Budin, Erhard Hinrichs, Kimmo Koskenniemi, Pirjo-Leena Forsström, Per Öster
Organizing initiatives and Organizations: 
CLARIN Consortium, CSC - IT-Center for Science and the University of Helsinki
Supporting Initiatives and Organizations: 
FLARENET, Alliance of Permanent Access, , ,


