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Lithuanian Collocations: Usage, Teaching, Learning, and Translation

Title in Lithuanian: Lietuvių kalbos kolokacijos: vartojimas, mokymas(is) ir vertimas

Goals and Objectives  

The resource book was written within the framework of the project "Arbitrary Lithuanian collocations: recognition, description, use" (ARKA; see for details), financed by the Lithuanian Science Council (No. S-LIP-20-18) according to the State Program of Lithuanian Research and Dissemination 2016-2024.

Collocation competence is of particular importance in language teaching, learning, and translation which is why, we discuss in the introduction the role of collocations in language learning, overview research on the topic and suggested collocation teaching and learning methods and strategies. The topics discussed in the first part of the book include the differences between collocations and other multi-word units; the concept of arbitrariness and collocation identification/ selection for language learning purposes; tools and resources devoted to collocation description and analysis; the structure, use, and variation of collocations. The provided exercises include the material from the Database of Lithuanian Multiword Expressions (i.e., collocations extracted from the corpus of journalistic discourse The suggested activities aim to raise awareness about the phenomenon of formulaic language and collocations and their production, and develop collocational competence with the help of open access dictionaries, databases, data-driven and corpus-based learning approaches).

Research on translated language shows that inexperienced translators are prone to source language interference which results in inaccurate, foreign-sounding translations. Thus, in the second part of the book, collocations are viewed as combinations of words which may not necessarily coincide in source and target languages. To raise awareness of the possible collocational differences when translating, the following topics are discussed: cross-cultural differences in linguistic expression and the concept of equivalence; collocations as a unit of translation; collocation-related translation problems (e.g., interference, translation of metaphorical, cultural, and marked collocations, among other topics); freely available language resources and tools useful for metaphor translation and research. The majority of the developed exercises are derived from a number of freely available dictionaries, lexical databases, corpora, and language analysis tools and contain links for further reference. Students are encouraged to use them in order to perform the task or check the answers.


Learning Outcomes

By following this tutorial, students will learn to:

  • use open access resources important for collocation teaching, learning, and translation.
  • increase their collocation learning/ teaching competence individually;
  • apply various methods for cross-cultural comparison and translation of collocations.


Jurgita Vaičenonienė

Associate Professor, Department of Lithuanian Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Vytautas Magnus University

Jolanta Kovalevskaitė

Senior Researcher, Centre of Computational Linguistics

The Faculty of Humanities, Vytautas Magnus University

Erika Rimkutė

Associate Professor, Department of Lithuanian Studies 

The Faculty of Humanities, Vytautas Magnus University


Description of the Training Materials

(Sub)discipline / topics 

Humanities; linguistics; Lithuanian language; language teaching and learning; translation

Language (s)

The training material is in Lithuanian. Some exercises require English language knowledge (i.e., for using language analysis tools or conducting translation activities).  

The resource book devoted to collocation teaching, learning and translation in Lithuanian is published in PDF format and has an accompanying website with interactive tasks and answers to the exercises. Access is also provided to additional resources such as the Database of Lithuanian colocations, tool for collocation recognition and data necessary for task completion in the resource book. 

The book consists of two parts: the first part, "Collocation teaching and learning" (authors: Jolanta Kovalevskaitė, Erika Rimkutė), is primarily intended for teachers and lecturers who teach Lithuanian as a foreign language, students of linguistics, and Lithuanian language learners. The second part of the book "Translation of collocations" (author: Jurgita Vaičenonienė) addresses students and teachers in the field of translation studies. Each chapter presents a particular topic in relation to collocation teaching, learning or translation and includes the basic terms, brief theoretical overviews, exercises, and suggested readings.


Lithuanian language, data-driven learning, collocation teaching, collocation learning, translation of collocations.

Workload Within the context of Lithuania, the resource book or its parts can be integrated in the curriculum of the courses in the fields of linguistics, learning Lithuanian as a foreign language, and translation studies according to the needs of the target group.
Project URL


Kovalevskaitė J., Rimkutė E., Vaičenonienė J. 2022: Lietuvių kalbos kolokacijos: vartojimas, mokymas(is) ir vertimas (Lithuanian Collocations: Usage, Teaching, Learning, and Translation). Kaunas: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas. ISBN 978-609-467-524-9,


CLARIN language resources and tools used

Language resources stored/ referenced in the CLARIN-LT repository and available via :

  • Bielinskienė, Agnė; Boizou, Loïc; Bumbulienė, Ieva; Kovalevskaitė, Jolanta; Krilavičius, Tomas; Mandravickaitė, Justina; Rimkutė, Erika; Vaičenonienė, Jurgita and Vilkaitė-Lozdienė, Laura, 2022, The Database of Lithuanian multiword expressions, CLARIN-LT digital library in the Republic of Lithuania,
  • Bielinskienė, Agnė; Boizou, Loïc; Bumbulienė, Ieva; Kovalevskaitė, Jolanta; Krilavičius, Tomas; Mandravickaitė, Justina; Rimkutė, Erika and Vilkaitė-Lozdienė, Laura, 2019, corpus, CLARIN-LT digital library in the Republic of Lithuania,
  • Bielinskienė, Agnė; Boizou, Loïc; Bumbulienė, Ieva; Kovalevskaitė, Jolanta; Krilavičius, Tomas; Mandravickaitė, Justina; Rimkutė, Erika and Vilkaitė-Lozdienė, Laura, 2019, Colloc -- A Tool for Automatic Identification of Multiword Expressions, CLARIN-LT digital library in the Republic of Lithuania,
  • Vaičenonienė, Jurgita; Kovalevskaitė, Jolanta and Boizou, Loïc, 2020, ORVELIT v3, CLARIN-LT digital library in the Republic of Lithuania,
  • Utka, Andrius; Rimkutė, Erika; Kovalevskaitė, Jolanta; Bielinskienė, Agnė; Petkevičius, Mažvydas; Petrauskaitė, Rūta and Mikelionienė, Jurgita, 2017, Corpus of the Contemporary Lithuanian Language, CLARIN-LT digital library in the Republic of Lithuania,
Tool: Sinclair S., Rockwell G. 2002: Voyant Tools.
Target audience

Within the context of Lithuania, the resource book or its parts can be integrated into the curriculum of the courses in the fields of linguistics, learning Lithuanian as a foreign language, and translation studies according to the needs of the target group.

Facilities required

Links to all necessary materials are integrated within the recourse book or accompanying website.


PDF and Website | Resource book with accompanying interactive activities.

Licence and (re)use

Open access

Creation date

5 July 2022

Last modification date 23 June 2022

Experience with Using CLARIN Resources in Teaching 

CLARIN resources are used in multiple ways depending on the aim and target audience. For example:

  • Basic, introductory overviews of CLARIN services for students, teachers, and researchers:
    • Vaičenonienė, J. „Open Access Resources and Tools for Language Learning”. „Diving into Challenges of Online Language Learning and Teaching. Benefits from OER”, Soros International House, Vilnius (2021 04 29)
  • Integration of Lithuanian language-related resources stored in CLARIN-LT repository during lectures in Translation Studies and Academic Writing: demonstration, exercise development, small-scale research:
    • Vaičenonienė, J. ir Kovalevskaitė, J. „Pedagogical Applications of ORVELIT Corpus”. „CLARIN Annual Conference 2020” (2020 10 5–7)
  • Integration of Corpus of the Contemporary Lithuanian Language during the lectures of the course Lexicology of Lithuanian Language: hands-on sessions, demonstration.
  • Conference presentations:
    • Vaičenonienė, J., ir Kovalevskaitė, J. „Pronouns in Translational Lithuanian”. „UCCTS 2021, Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (6th edition)” (2021 09 08–11)

Reusability Notes 

Particular chapters of the resource book can be integrated in Lithuanian language-related courses or selected exercises given to students for self-practice in collocation learning and translation.

Cite this Work

Kovalevskaitė J., Rimkutė E., Vaičenonienė J. 2022: Lietuvių kalbos kolokacijos: vartojimas, mokymas(is) ir vertimas. Mokomoji priemonė. Kaunas: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas. ISBN 978-609-467-524-9,

Contact Information

Teachers who reuse and adapt this training material are invited to share their feedback via training [at] (training[at]clarin[dot]eu).