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CLARIN Technology

CLARIN is based on a distributed network of organisations (or centres) that host language resources and related services. These centres each have their own expertise. Within a single country, they are often grouped into a national consortium.

Each consortium appoints one centre as a representative in CLARIN's technical body, the Technical Centre Committee (TCC). This is where most of the technical work happens: Writing specifications, planning software development and organising the quality control for each of the centre candidates. 

The independent Technical Centres Assessment Committee (TCAC) analyses each of the candidate centres and provides feedback with regards to compliancy to the technical and organisational requirements.

Wooden abacus


CLARIN's Technical Pillars

  • Federated Identity: Letting users log in to protected data and services with their own institutional login and password
  • Persistent Identifiers: Enabling sustainable citations of electronic resources
  • Repositories: Digital archives where language resources can be stored, accessed and shared
  • Component Metadata and concept definitions: To ensure semantic interoperability when describing language resources
  • Content Search: Offering a search engine for a wide range of language resources
  • Web service chaining: Giving users the possibility to freely combine language processing services.

CLARIN for Infrastructure Developers

This section is for infrastructure developers at the CLARIN centres, who want to get better integrated into the CLARIN infrastructure, and who require information relating to the Service Provider Federation (SPF), Identity Provider (IdP), Federated Content Search (FCS), metadata, and more.

Visit the CLARIN for Infrastructure Developers section.

CLARIN for Programmers

As a programmer, there are many ways to use and contribute to CLARIN's infrastructure. See below for more details on a range of topics, such as Open Source Code, APIs, Widgets and Notebooks, as well as ways to get in touch.

Visit the CLARIN for Programmers section.


Get in Touch

  • Join the low-traffic dev mailing list, where you can discuss technical issues
  • Join the all-centers mailing list to stay up-to-date about recent developments
  • Join the Slack Workspace for interaction on technical subjects; please request an invitation by email via slack /at/
  • Meet us at one of the yearly Centre Meetings.

Learn More

All software that is developed by CLARIN ERIC is Open Source and released under the GPL v3 license. Please note that while in the past most software projects were hosted at our own SVN repository, new projects are managed via GitHub.

If you want to learn more about the technology behind CLARIN, there are several sources of information:


Visit the CLARIN Forum for more Technology-related content