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CMDI Best Practices Guide

The Best Practices guide contains a collection of general best practices regarding modelling and authoring CMDI metadata within CLARIN. It also featuers a a set of cross-cutting descriptions of common approaches and problems.


Download the CMDI Best Practices Guide (PDF)


The editors of the CMDI Best Practices guide aim to regularly publish new versions of the guide. You can download the current version of the guide with the above link, or have a look at previous versions. Some parts of the document are currently work in progress and/or not yet included in the published versions. Draft versions and ongoing work on the guide is publicly available through the draft version repository.

The guide is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licence (CC-BY-SA 4.0). You are welcome to send your feedback to cmdi [at] (cmdi[at]clarin[dot]eu).

For an introduction to the guide and some background information, see our CLARIN Annual Conference 2017 presentation (video and slides).

Also a draft implementation of Schematron rules for the more technical best practices are available for trial. These can be run with version 1.1 (or higher) of SchemAnon, but also via general XML tools like oXygen.

Example: check all the CMD records (which use the file extension .cmdi) in my-cmdi-directory

java -jar SchemAnon.jar \
  ./my-cmdi-directory cmdi

Example: check the profile with id

wget -O profile.xml
java -jar SchemAnon.jar \ \