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CLARIN Newsflash: November 2022

Meet the new members in the SSH Open Marketplace Editorial Board

The SSH Open Marketplace is a discovery portal which pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities: it hosts tools, services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows. An Editorial Board ensures the day-to-day maintenance and the data quality of the SSH Open Marketplace. Liaising with the service providers and the end-users of the service (SSH researchers and support staff for researchers), the editorial team ensures the technical running of operation, the effectiveness of the curation process and the editorial policy’s successful implementation. Earlier this year, the infrastructures behind the sustainability of the SSH Open Marketplace, CESSDA, DARIAH and CLARIN, welcomed applications to appoint new members of the Editorial Board. Nine new members were appointed from all over Europe and at different career stages.

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New Impact Story: Ukrainian History Course in Response to the War in Ukraine

This impact story shines the spotlight on an initiative that was developed in response to the invasion of Ukraine. The distant learning course ‘Ukrainian History’ was developed by two friends and colleagues, based in Ukraine and Lithuania, as an example of collaboration between EU universities and Ukrainian researchers. The short distance learning course covers the history of Ukraine and its statehood, beginning with the Kyivan Rus’ state and its Ukrainian principalities (9th-13th c.) and then traces Ukraine’s historical development and its struggle for independence until the present day. 

As part of its support, CLARIN made links to Ukrainian language-related resources in the Virtual Language Observatory available to participants. The course is offered within the framework of Open Studies platform, which was funded and developed in collaboration with Vytautas Magnus University and the Erasmus+ project ReOpen in 2016. Vytautas Magnus University hosts the Lithuanian CLARIN centre. 

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Training and Education

Training Resource: Natural Language Processing Methods

This training material by Rachele Sprugnoli features an introduction to the key concepts of Natural Language Processing , as well as hands-on activities. Trainees will acquire a basic knowledge of the key concepts and methods of , and will learn the following: to automatically analyse texts with NLP tools,  to choose the NLP tool that best fits their specific purposes among those provided by CLARIN , and to create a geographical visualisation starting from a text processed with a Named Entity Recognition tool. The tutorial is in English. Teachers can adapt and reuse the tutorial for their own classes.

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ACDH-CH Lectures 8.4: Contextualising Museum Data

13 December 2022, 16:00 CET, Vienna (hybrid event)

This lecture focuses on three main processes that are important to exploring digital material in and from museums: Digitisation, infrastructure and digital literacy. A brief history of digitisation and an introduction to roles that interact with data in the museum context exemplifies the consequent data diversity in the museum space. Infrastructure for data storage, management and publishing cultural heritage data is a second context for differing standards, structures and systems. In order to decipher and comprehend digital material in the context of museums, this lecture will argue that a human machine interaction depends on a field-specific digital literacy. Speaker Anne Luther (The Institute for Digital Heritage) will show her current project Digital Benin as a tangible example of a unique digital project that brings together information about objects from more than 120 museums worldwide.

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ESCAPE Panel Discussion: Science Clusters and the EOSC Association: Cooperation and New Challenges

As the  cluster project ESCAPE is coming to its end, the members of the cluster for astronomy and particle physics  shared their results and achievements, and discussed the future of the collaboration between ESCAPE and the other four EOSC science clusters (EOSC-Life, ENVRI-FAIR, PaNOSC and SSH Open Cluster) in a special session of the final project event ESCAPE to the Future. The potential for multidisciplinary collaboration across the different clusters was among the topics discussed.

Events and Calls


CLARIN Café: Voices from Ravensbrück on the Web - A Multilingual Challenge

2 December 2022, 14:00 CET (virtual event)

This CLARIN Café will present the curation project ‘Voices from Ravensbrück’, a multilingual collection of interviews held with survivors of the female-only Nazi concentration camp Ravensbrück. Women from all corners of Europe were deported to this camp where they had to endure hardship. The mix of nationalities means that Ravensbrück was a multilingual environment. With CLARIN’s support, research- and cultural heritage institutions in different parts of the world have started to collect and preserve  their stories in many different ways and different languages. For the Oral History Resource Family, a selection of interviews about Ravensbrück in Italian, English, Dutch and German was collected and curated. These interviews were ‘discovered’ in private houses, or were ‘spotted’ on the web, and have been created by curators, historians, journalists, filmers and volunteers. Although they are  all about Ravensbrück, bringing the selection together in a structure that is manageable for scholars was a challenge, which will be further discussed during the CLARIN Café.

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CLARIAH & NDE Annual Conference

24 November 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands 

This conference, organised by CLARIAH in close collaboration with the Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed (NDE), is on the topic of Heritage meets Digital Humanities. The focus will be on the CLARIAH digital humanities infrastructure and its use by researchers and other professionals from the heritage field. Attendees can look forward to a programme of lectures, debates, interactive presentations, workshops, poster sessions and networking opportunities. The conference can accommodate up to 150 participants and registration is free.

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European Language Equality: Open Call for SRIA Contribution Projects

The SRIA (Strategic Research, Innovation and Implementation Agenda) Contribution Projects are meant to provide meaningful input for the strategic roadmap for achieving full digital language equality in Europe by 2030. Research organisations, NGOs, incorporated associations and companies legally established in the EU Member States are eligible for funding. Projects should last 2 to 3 months, with a budget of up to €25,000. Projects should produce clearly defined use cases and best-practice examples of language resource development and language technology implementations in relevant industry sectors and areas of life.

Deadline for application: 29 November 2022

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Call for Papers: TRIPLE Conference 2023

1 - 3 February 2023, Bonn, Germany

Since 2019, the TRIPLE project has been developing the multilingual discovery platform GoTriple, aiming to facilitate interdisciplinary research and foster collaboration. On the topic of ‘Improving Discovery and Collaboration in Open Science’, the final conference of the project will focus on the challenges and possibilities that arise from TRIPLE for Open Science in SSH and beyond. Among others, the organisers invite abstracts on the topics of innovation and innovative services in SSH, sustainability, research infrastructures, open science,  metadata and data quality.

Deadline for submission: 30 November 2022

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11th NLP4CALL Workshop

9 December, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (hybrid event)

The workshop series on Natural Language Processing for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL) is a meeting place for researchers working on the integration of Natural Language Processing and Speech Technologies in CALL systems and exploring the theoretical and methodological issues arising in this connection. The latter includes insights from Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research, and also promotes the development of ‘Computational SLA’ through setting up Second Language research infrastructure(s). The NLP4CALL workshop series is aimed at bringing together competences from these areas for sharing experiences and brainstorming around the future of the field.

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Call for Papers: IntelliSys 2023

24 - 25 August 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands

IntelliSys 2023 will focus on areas of intelligent systems and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it applies to the real world. IntelliSys provides a leading international forum that brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields with the purpose of exploring the fundamental roles, interactions as well as practical impacts of AI. The conference programme includes paper presentations, poster sessions and project demonstrations, along with prominent keynote speakers and industrial workshops. The organisers invite submissions of papers, posters and demo proposals.

Deadline for submission: 15 December 2022

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Call for Papers: Language, Data and Knowledge Conference (LDK 2023) 

13-15 September 2023, Vienna, Austria

The Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK) conference series brings together researchers from across disciplines concerned with the acquisition, curation and use of language data in the context of data science and knowledge-based applications. The organisers invite submissions on topics related to language data, knowledge graphs, and applications for and use cases in language, data and knowledge. In addition, those looking for a venue to bring together a community of researchers to discuss novel ideas about any topic related to language, data and knowledge, are invited to submit a workshop or tutorial proposal.

Deadline for submission: 19 December 2022

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