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Annual Conference Overview |  Programme |  Registration 

CLARIN Newsflash: CLARIN2022

CLARIN Annual Conference 2022

The 2022 CLARIN Annual Conference (#CLARIN2022) is organised for the communities working in the wider humanities and social sciences, as well as language technology, in order to exchange ideas and experiences within the CLARIN network. It will be organised as a hybrid event, with Prague, Czechia, as the venue. The conference is organised by CLARIN in collaboration with LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ.

Based on our growing expertise at hosting online events, the 2022 CLARIN Annual Conference promises to be a rich and interactive event for both virtual as well as in-person attendees. We look forward to welcoming everyone  and trust we can turn this event into a success. Detailed information about the programme is available below.


Programme at a Glance

The #CLARIN2022 programme includes:

  • Thematic sessions dedicated to the presentations of peer-reviewed abstracts on the following topics:
    • Language Resources and CLARIN Centres
    • Tools and Workflows
    • Legal Questions
    • Curation of Language Resources
    • Research Cases
  • A Teaching with CLARIN session to celebrate educational professionals who successfully integrated CLARIN into the courses they teach and/or training materials they have developed
  • A special session devoted to work by PhD students whose research is connected to CLARIN
  • Panels highlighting the work of CLARIN in the context of collaboration with
    • Libraries: CLARIN and Libraries: Infrastructures Working Together
    • Other SSH Platforms: You’ll Never Innovate Alone 
  • A session dedicated to the SSHOC project
  • A slot allocated to the Czech national consortium (local host)
  • Presentations about the State of the CLARIN Infrastructure and highlights of the work carried out within the committees.

You can view the full conference programme for 10-12 October here.


Invited Keynotes

Enabling Digital Research - The German National Library as Part of a (National) Research Infrastructure by Peter Leinen

Monday 10 October from 16:15 to 17:00

Peter Leinen is head of the department of information infrastructure at the German National Library. Responsible for the IT supply of all processes at the German National Library, his work centres on the methods and procedures for building, archiving and providing the digital collection, as well as on networking with the research community. In addition, Leinen represents the German National Library in the development of the German National Research Data Infrastructure, and is involved in different consortia and cross-cutting issues such as standards, authority data and long-term archiving of research data. Peter Leinen is one of the elected spokespersons of nestor, the competence network for digital long-term preservation, and is active in other initiatives, such as the German Initiative for Network Information (DINI).

Is Human Label Variation Really So Bad for AI? By Barbara Plank

Tuesday 11 October from 14:20 to 15:05

Barbara Plank’s background is in computer science and language technologies. She is an expert in Natural Language Processing ( ) and the chair (full professor) of AI and Computational Linguistics at LMU Munich, where she leads the MaiNLP research lab at the Center for Information and Language Processing (CIS). In her view, NLP should be able to handle any language and any domain, which is not easily achieved. Her work thus focuses on making NLP models more robust so that they can learn under circumstances of selection or annotation bias, or in cases of limited data availability, for example. Plank plays a pivotal role in several NLP research projects (DFF Sapere Aude, Amazon Research Award) and is involved in teaching and supervision activities for NLP scholars. She recently received an ERC Consolidator grant to work on natural language understanding for non-standard languages and dialects.

100 Years of Speech Recognition, the Data Fork and the Conversational Challenge. Stories from Today’s Speech Industry by Ariane Nabeth-Halber

Wednesday 12 October from 11:10 to 11:55

Ariane Nabeth-Halber has worked in the speech industry for 25 years. She started her career in research (ATR, Japan; Thalès, France), and then moved to the speech industry, for example Nuance Communication and French company Bertin IT, working with contact centres, broadcasters, trading floors and public ministries, but also academic labs such as LIUM and Avignon University/LIA. Since August 2021, Ariane Nabeth-Halber has led the Speech and Conversational AI team at ViaDialog, to deliver augmented and safe customer relationship experiences. A European Commission expert and LT-Innovate board member, Ariane holds a PhD in computer science and signal processing from Telecom ParisTech. She regularly speaks at conferences on AI and speech technology. 

Check out the full programme, including keynotes, bios and abstracts here.


CLARIN and Libraries: Infrastructures Working Together

Monday 10 October from 17:00 to 17:40

While new research infrastructures for the arts, humanities and social sciences, such as CLARIN and DARIAH, have emerged in recent decades, libraries have been for many centuries the most important resource for researchers, and remain so today in the digital age. For virtual, digital, and distributed research infrastructures such as CLARIN to be effective, they need to work closely with libraries, which play key roles as creators and curators of digital data, and as intermediaries between researchers and digital data, tools and expertise. The CLARIN and Libraries workshop took place at KB National Library of the Netherlands in May 2022. This was the first workshop with the explicit aim of bringing together the international CLARIN community and research libraries in order to discuss issues relating to the delivery of digital content for researchers, and to plan the practical steps for future collaboration. This panel will feature participants from the workshop, who will be discussing what these next steps should be.

Confirmed panellists: Sally Chambers, Andreas Witt, Peter Leinen


CLARIN and Other SSH Platforms: You’ll Never Innovate Alone

Wednesday 12 October from 10:00 to 10:40

Several recent initiatives in the SSH domain have led to the launch of discovery portals that help their audiences find and access digital data. The diversity in discipline-specific portals comes with interesting functionalities and offers welcome support for a range of use cases. However, it may not always be easy for researchers to know which is the right portal for their task or the most suitable platform for depositing their resources. For a fruitful co-existence in the ecosystem and a coherent offer of infrastructural support, it is crucial that providers of SSH services collaborate and innovate together. In this panel, representatives of several portals explain how they see their role in the SSH landscape and discuss the interoperability and complementarity of the different platforms.

Confirmed panellists: Representatives from SSH Open Marketplace/EOSC Portal, CLARIN’s Virtual Language Observatory, Europeana, OPERAS, ELEXIS


Teaching with CLARIN

Teaching with CLARIN 

Tuesday 11 October from 15:55 to 16:55

The session will start with an introduction of recent CLARIN teaching activities by Francesca Frontini and Iulianna van der Lek. Following this, Twan Goosen and Michal Gawor will give a short presentation on using Jupyter Notebooks for processing full-text resources from the Europeana text collections. The second part of the session is dedicated to these three Teaching with CLARIN submissions 2022: 

Abstract - Proceedings

The conference proceedings with the full abstracts are downloadable as PDF, and short abstracts can be accessed via the conference programme page. This offers conference participants the chance to prepare their questions and comments in advance and be ready to engage in discussions during the sessions.


Additional Programme Elements

SSH Open Cluster: Life After SSHOC

Monday 10 October from 18:40 to 19:00

Although the H2020 project SSHOC came to an end in April 2022, it will have a lasting effect on the landscape. In this short session, four speakers will zoom in on the project’s lasting impact on the collaboration between  research infrastructures from the SSH domain. As the founding members of the SSH Open Cluster, they will maintain the recently launched SSH Open Marketplace, a discovery platform for resources such as data, tools, publications, and training materials. (An overview of the outcome of the SSHOC project can be found in the legacy booklet.) The SSH domain’s alignment with the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) at national, institutional and European level will also remain on the agenda.

Speakers: Francesca Frontini, Matej Ďurčo, Laure Barbot, Carsten Thiel (tbc)


PhD Student Session

Tuesday 11 October from 16:55 to 17:55

National consortia put forward candidates for this session, where PhD students will share their CLARIN-related research and receive feedback on their work from CLARIN experts. All submitted abstracts are published on the CLARIN website, as part of the conference programme.


Tuesday 11 October from 17:55 to 18:55

The CLARIN Bazaar is an informal space at CLARIN2022 where conference attendees can meet people from other centres and countries, find out about their work in progress, exchange ideas, and talk to people about future collaborations. This year, it will return to its in-person, interactive format. The Bazaar provides an informal setting for conversations, and an opportunity to show work to colleagues or to distribute handouts and leaflets.

If you would like to have a stall in the bazaar, please sign up through the link on the CLARIN Bazaar page.

Application deadline: 30 September 2022




The 2022 CLARIN Annual Conference will take place as a hybrid event, which means that two different types of registration are available: virtual and in-person.

Virtual attendance is free of charge and open to the general audience. Register here!

Deadline for registration (for guaranteed access*):  5 October 2022

 *Please note that for registrations after 5 October, there may be delays in the communication of relevant information.

In-person attendance: By invitation only

Registered in-person attendees will receive an individual notification confirming their details in the course of this week. If you have not received your registration confirmation email by the end of the week, or if there are any changes to your individual details, please email events [at] as soon as possible, and no later than 23 September 2022 (end of day).



Communication Channels

Follow the conference on Twitter via #CLARIN2022

The most up-to-date information can be found on the CLARIN2022 event page.