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CLARIN B-Centre Assessment

​​​​​​There are strict criteria to become a CLARIN B-centre, which must be based on a stable technical and institutional foundation.
 The necessary requirements are checked during an assessment procedure by the Technical Centres Assessment Committee (TCAC). The technical coordination among the centres takes place in the Technical Centres Committee (TCC).

Assessment Procedure

  1. The centre candidate ensures that:
    1. It has an up-to-date entry in the Centre Registry
    2. It has filled in the B-centre checklist
    3. It has concluded or at least initiated the CoreTrustSeal procedure, a compulsory part of the CLARIN B-centre certification.
    4. It has a written declaration of centre compliancy by the National Coordinator or the Technical Centres Committee delegate of its CLARIN consortium (example template). Note: A written declaration of centre compliancy is not applicable for renewals.
  2. The centre candidate then sends an email to assessment [at] (assessment[at]clarin[dot]eu) and the chair and vice-chair of the TCC, requesting to be assessed, with the necessary documents attached.
  3. The TCC will communicate the foreseen period of assessment, after consultation with the TCAC.
  4. When the assessment has been finalised, the TCC will communicate the outcome to the centre candidate.
  5. At the end of the procedure the results will be published publicly on the Certified B-centres list on the CLARIN website. The certified centre can add an official logo to its site, indicating that it is officially recognised. 


The certification is valid for three years, synchronised with the CoreTrustSeal certificate. The validity period can be found in the Centre Registry and in the certificate PDF file.

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